

Jennie's recipes

Monday 19 September 2016

Another Malvern day

Yesterday I got the chance to take some AMAZING sunrise photographs, as we arrived at Malvern for the Fleamarket just as the sun rose over the hills.  I had the car pulled off the road and the camera out quicker than you could say Jack Sprat!  These first few photos need no words.

Lilac - amazing!

Then it was into the fray.  These are a bit out of synch as we did all the outside stalls first - although there were half the number that were there on the August Bank Holiday Monday.  I have just bought a Fitbit (which arrived on Friday, so I was able to give it a workout on Saturday and see how it worked, before trying it on Sunday.  I walked a similar number of steps each day, but Saturday's included a walk and I clocked up 14,000+ steps.  Yesterday almost exactly the same number (14,000 plus) but less energetically so I am about to go out for a goodly walk and set that straight.  It also counts the calories burned, and as I need to lose weight (a couple of stone if I am honest) this can only be for the good.  I shall report back later.

Above and below were taken at a stall in the Avon Hall which had some lovely treen items we particularly liked.

Outside, this poor old taxidermy squirrel had floppy ears!  Compared with a taxidermy red squirrel I had seen the previous day though, this one was in full health.  Friday's example was half white from extreme old age and I reckon someone must have found it dead on the ground and had it stuffed!

A general biew of stands in the Avon hall.

Some nice Art Nouveau tiles, sold as singles and the stall holder was also offering wooden frames to mount them in.  My favourite was the deep red flower bottom left.

Finally - I think the saddle at the back was a tad under-horsed!

On our way out we passed "Old Rosie" from Much Marcle, and had a chat with her owner and driver.  She is there for the Autumn Show at Malvern next weekend.

Back later - I have been sat here for an hour or more waiting for photos to load as broadband is so dire . . .


  1. Hope you found some interesting bits for selling.
    Fantastic sunrise photos

  2. Those guns interest me. Are they allowed to sell 'working' guns when such a close rein is kept on such things - or are these just models? As we have just renewed our gun licence I would be interested to know.

  3. Sue - I got some very interesting little bits and bobs. Smaller things which will sell more quickly, I hope. The photos just HAD to be taken!

    Pat - In order to deal in weapons which are capable of being fired, one needs a firearms certificate (to sell or to buy). The ones offered here, and which we offer for sale, are just "wall pieces" and are decommissioned in that there is no ammunition of that bore made any more. Many are damaged in the firing mechanism too - enough to render them unfire-able. They are flintlock or percussion cap guns, or occasionally, matchlock. Whilst small pistols can be pinfire (legal) or rimfire (mostly legal!)

  4. Oh My Goodness !
    The Sunrise was outstanding. I bet it was even better in person, as my sunset photos never look as nice as the in person.
    What a fun flea market. I loved the tiles but I agree with you I love the red flower on the bottom and the green blue flower one just down from it and the white flower one and. . . . . . But really the red flower one was fabulous.
    Did you buy it ? I think I would have.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. "Oh what a beautiful morning!" - stunning photos BB, and I enjoyed a virtual wander around the Malvern stalls too.
