

Jennie's recipes

Monday 5 September 2016

Busy busy - and internet problems

This was the cake at my table for when my dear friend Kim and her boyfriend Tim came to visit.  It was all very last minute because I was an egg short for the recipe, and had to wait until my husband bought me some back from town.  One half of the mixture was slightly thicker and came out of the oven just 20 mins before my friends were due to arrive.  Needless to say, it was bunged unceremoniously into the fridge to keep company with its thinner half . . .  I have made . . . lighter! . . . sponges, but it tasted good all the same!

We have been very, VERY busy here.  Fleamarkets, both buying and selling at, and auctions, and friends visiting and . . .  you get the idea.

Here are a few photos from Builth Antiques Fair last weekend.  These are some cheerful crochet animals from a lady who always has a stall there and is very craft-orientated and a keen crocheter.

Two rare (and thus expensive - £150 I think was the price) Aller Vale jugs at the Fair.

You can buy almost anything there . . .  From an age when such things were considered stylish (sadly).

There weren't many quilts on display this time, but this one is spectacular.

I just loved this little horse who had been used on a carousel at one time.  He was £595 or he might have come home with me!

This was the nicest jewellery stand we saw.  Lots of goodies, and all colour-matched.

The Domestic Byegones is always one of my favourite stalls.

Right, off to bed now.  Count yourself lucky to have ANY photos the way the computer is playing up!


  1. The crockery stall is beautifully arranged--such homely things draw me. I tried to enlarge the quilt photo [unsuccessfully] to see if it is a two color Log Cabin Pattern set with a light/dark setting [?]

    1. I am pretty sure it was, but by that time we'd been walking round for over 4 hours and I was just starting to flag a bit. If you look at the layout of the white blocks, the middle "ends" are a little irregular so it must have been Log Cabin. I saw it and thought of you and Kath anyway!

  2. The crockery stall is beautifully arranged--such homely things draw me. I tried to enlarge the quilt photo [unsuccessfully] to see if it is a two color Log Cabin Pattern set with a light/dark setting [?]

  3. I fell in love with those animal blankets - adorable! Always lots of interesting things to read about and see in your posts X

    1. The lady whose stall this is is very creative, and sits and crochets or knits inbetween customers. We've had some lovely chats in the past.

  4. I love the bygone stall, the stone ware is just my thing :-)

    1. That is always my favourite stall too. She had a Maypole Stores milk pail once. I really wanted it because my grandad used to work for the Maypole Stores down in Devon, but it was over £100 so it stayed put!

  5. The cake looks good even if it was last minute:) I really like the look if that domestic bygones stand, lots of lovely things there.

    1. No-one complained about the cake, they just ate it, so it wasn't too bad. I just had a sliver with lots of extra strawberries piled on top. I was very restrained and only bought stock this time. No new china for me!

  6. Fascinating photographs BB - love those crochet animals.

    1. They had a lot of character and I think any child would be delighted to have one.

  7. Always interesting photos of your travels, the cake looks delicious!

    1. Plenty of travels at the moment Thelma. I only had a sliver of that cake, honest injun!
