

Jennie's recipes

Monday 10 October 2016

Wonderful day out at Malvern

I know, you've seen it all before, but some fresh pictures from the latest day out in Malvern where we spent a mint of money on stock, met old friends, made new ones and walked more than 17,000 steps! It was so close to 20,000 that when we got home and I had tea simmering on the hob, I walked up to the very top of the hill and back to get some extra Fitbit milage.  Weight is a bit stagnant this week due to Eating Badly because of being sat down at various selling venues, and all the time in the world in which to feel Very Hungry.  I will get back to basics today though and also burn off some extra calories working in the garden.

Anyway, weren't these china cats pretty?  I know a couple of family members who would like these . . .

Our friend Ann at her inside pitch.  She always has some lovely things to sell.

At one time I would have bought this lovely old jug, but made do with just admiring it yesterday.  I have too much china I fear . . .

A good candidate for reupholstering, though our eldest daughter would have gone for Paisley material again.

This sort of taxidermy amused Victorians, some of who didn't get out much!

An excellent display of toys and old board games at this stall.

Our daughter G would have loved ALL these as she has a small collection of framed butterflies.

All too many stalls look like this.  The "chair on wheels" in the middle looks like it came from the dump (and ought to go back there!)

Obviously a fan of Ozzy Osbourne . . .  Cool man . . .

We were half an hour too early for the sunrise yesterday, so instead here is a picture of the sunrise view from Malvern Wells in plain daylight.

I stopped in a layby to take these photos of Pen-y-Fan.  There were some tremendous skies yesterday, as you can see from these photos.

Then it was homewards and making a note of what we had bought for the records.  I managed to get some unusual (and hopefully desirable)  things yesterday.  We have the Carmarthen Fleamarket at the end of the month so I will have some new stock to put out there.  Nothing worse than just rehashing old stock.


  1. BB - i adore Mavern. In the days when I lived in Wolverhampton - a lifetime ago it seems now - we would often go to Malvern for the day (not too far to drive in the Spring and some marvellous walks in the Hills.
    Add me to the list of the people who love those china cats.

  2. Malvern is a lovely area. I would like to explore the town some time but we are always SO tired after hoofing it around the Fleamarket for 6 hrs or so and the very early start! I am glad it brings back happy memories for you Pat.

  3. Scary Squirrels! not keen on the cats, bit fussy for me. I like the little stools in among all the metal pails on the junk stall though. Hope you found some good things to sell

  4. It all looks so colourful, the cats are quite pretty but not sure though could sit upon my mantlepiece ;) as for the squirrels - dust collectors...

  5. I do think you and Keith have found your calling in the flea market/antique venue!
    When we stroll through Peddlers' Mall I cringe at the spaces which as though someone had cleared out all the junk from a shed or garage and lumped it in willy-nilly. Some vendors arrange their stalls so appealingly, drawing one in to admire and delight in the treasures on offer.
    I could covet those flowery china cats--but in this house they would need to be displayed behind a secure glass door or the resident felines would have them shattered on the floor!
