

Jennie's recipes

Monday 7 November 2016

Llyn Brianne Reservoir Part 1

This is the sunrise a week ago.  Isn't it gorgeous?  Anyway, we felt we would have a day off after a busy weekend and the big Fleamarket on Carmarthen Showground.  I suggested we went out for lunch, so after we had taken new stock in and done some basic grocery shopping, we set off for Llyn Brianne Reservoir, above Llandovery.  It was probably 15 years since we were last there.

The photographs are scenic ones, so not many words I'm afraid.  It was good to be out on such a lovely sunny day - I think the temps were around 71 degrees F.  (21 degrees C).

There were lots of berries on the Hawthorn trees, but I did spot lots of Redwings and some Fieldfares, which in the light of the cold spell which has suddenly hit us (and a threat of snow on high ground here mid-week) doesn't seem at all surprising.  Our Winter Visitors are arriving early from Scandinavia, where it is obviously much colder already.  The birds in the garden are very evident now, a dozen or so in the apple tree I can see out of the window here, including lots more Blackbirds than normal (interlopers too).  I shall buy bird seed and peanuts when we go to town today, and put the feeders out for the first time since April.  I follow the RSPB guidelines and don't feed through the summer months.

A lovely bracken clad hillside soars above us.

Another colourful Hawthorn which will provide food for the wild birds.

A lovely splash of lemon yellow in the trees ahead, and steep rock cliffs hidden behind the trees.

The foothills of the Cambrian Mountains with the River Towey at their feet.

Another view of the Cothi below us, and wonderful autumn colours.

This was about 1.30 p.m. and already the sun had dipped enough to darken the valley bottom here.

What a wonderful spot to live, although it is probably a holiday cottage by now.  More later on today.  We're off to town to do some shopping next.


  1. Do miss Wales sometimes, photographs are beautiful.

  2. We have had a superb Autumn this year. Such lovely colours.

  3. Louise - we get some good ones here, but I always miss the sunset as we have just one window facing west and there's a big hill in the way too.

    thelma - glad you enjoyed them. Yorkshire is lovely too . . .

    Aril - I agree with you. No complaints about the lack of rain (which is meant to be arriving tomorrow anyway).

  4. Your photo's are stunning, you have captured the colours so very well.
