

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 1 December 2016

Notes from a failed Christmas shopper

Yes, I know, it's now December and really I should have got all my Christmas shopping done, the presents wrapped etc.  I did at least write all the Christmas cards 3 weeks ago when I was on the steroids and couldn't sleep.  Money has been in short supply recently and so I haven't done much Christmas shopping yet.  I went out today with the intention of getting a few more things, but ended up with two things for ME and one present.  Then I found something else that "would do" as a gift, so it evened the score up a bit.

Now, in my defence, I just COULDN'T resist this wee Christmas lassie . . .  She wasn't expensive.  Hands up who would have weakened too. . .

Snowflake biscuit cutters - these just had to come home with me too as they will help with the Christmas Present Problem . . .

Then two presents got bought . . .

Then I spotted this book in a charity shop, and having just read and enjoyed a book of Pamela Hartshorne, bought this as well.

The mobile library arrived today.  I got three books for my husband to read and these three for me.  Hope I can find time in the run up to Christmas.

Now it's winter, the cats are cwtching up indoors as much as they can.  Little Whale gave me his best advice on present-buying - "Make sure any present has FISH in it" was his opinion.  Mmmm.  I'm still pondering over that . . .

This afternoon I have been baking - a batch of Chocolate Blackberry Brownies to be handed round at our next Fair, and a Chocolate Chip Apple Cake for the freezer.  Photo and recipe tomorrow.


  1. Evening BB

    I was shopping for the best part of yesterday - mostly stuff for the house although I was looking for presents. Have been in today and bought three pressies which have been wrapped up and handed over to their recipients today. The three ladies I used to work with many years ago. I have since been into Waitrose and succumbed to some Christmas decorations in there, a couple of Rosemary plants and a sage plant which had been reduced. I have also come home with some fresh herbs as I have Feta cheese in oil and herbs and chilli to do and plonk in the fridge, the same with some Goats cheese which I absolutely adore and I also have mixed mushrooms in oil to do for OH. I am hoping to get to Morrisons this weekend to see if I can get a salmon to do gravadlax with. My skins have come for me to have a go at salami or sausages just have to obtain the meat. That might also be on the cards for the weekend. The shed still is not finished - OH hoping to accomplish that on Saturday so that I can get the freezers in. I also need to make the small garden outside the back door look neat and tidy as with storing all the fence panels there it has got into a bit of a mess and it really needs tidying out. I have still got the Christmas present shopping to do although with my step children we often given them a small pressie and then some cash so that they can get something that they really want and which will be useful to them. I am hoping still to be able to do my big bake the Christmas cakes and puddings are made and this weekend I am also hoping to do my Nan/Mum's Plumbread for ourselves and for my brother. I don't know whether its me or not but things are a lot pricier than they were last year and there has not been as much choice. Money is tight for a lot of people - I consider myself lucky and am grateful that I started doing the food shopping a few bits a week from the beginning of September. Because of the long stop dates the stuff will last well into the New Year. I was only saying to my friends at dinner that the shops don't seem to have made much of an effort this year although as I have stated Waitrose have really had some lovely bits in. In John Lewis they have made a token gesture towards Christmas but not what you would expect. Please cut yourself some slack. I take it the family are all going to be with you this Christmas - I hope so as I think you need it. I like the sound of those Blackberry Brownies now that I may have to have a bash at. Take care honey things will sort.


    1. I had about half an hour's shopping as I wandered across town between doing my banking and meeting up with my husband at Tesco's car park, so it wasn't exactly intensive! I have now sorted out the pressies for Tam's boyfriend, as he was the most difficult one to buy for. I would love to get some new special decorations for the house as we have a viewing right on Christmas (which is enough to throw me into a flat spin!) but my husband HATES shopping, so I will have to go in and leave him here. You sound a lot more organized than me, and have some nice stuff made/to make. I WILL get there, but felt defeated yesterday. Our nearest Waitrose is 60 miles away in Abergavenny so no chance of getting decorations from there.

  2. Even though I read your blog, I just do not know who you would need to buy for. So make it frugal and easy on yourself .
    If I was your family or friend I would love one of your photos, like the headers you put up. All the photo shops are running huge sales right now. Or have them printed up as cards or self mailers. No envelopes needed.I give four friends plants for gifts, we really do not need anything so a small cactus or herb plant is what we love.
    Chocolate Blackberry Brownies sound like a Christmas gift to me !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I can see I will have to add the Chocolate Blackberry Brownie recipe - it is somewhere already in my blog archive, but I will add it again later. I still have a freezer stuffed with local blackberries, but you will have to go buy or use frozen raspberries. I have used my photos in gifts for aged aunties and a friend, having a dozen of the best made into a rather super calendar (though I say it myself!)

  3. My brother and his partner are coming down to see us this year, plus some friends and those of our kids. We have all agreed that the tiniest pressies are in order, with a theme: it must be either edible or something for the outside of your body ie bath-y type stuff. So, for those who can make something it's good, and for those who can't, it isn't going to be expensive. Can't wait!

    1. Hello VM, sounds like a great plan - just teensie things. Only our grown up children are having anything sizable. Next year I think I will ask for donations to my favourite horse charity (Prince Fluffy Kareem, who deal with some heart-breaking cases amongst the Pyramid Horses in Egypt. They seem to work miracles - but that costs money.)

  4. My hands are up! I'd much rather be huddledup with a book putting off all my Christmas jobs but it will be the holidays soon!

    1. Rachel - you and I must be related. I have had to drag myself away from finishing the last few chapters of the Phil Rickman book I downloaded to the Kindle this week. It's only the thought of a two-tone yellow kitchen which is nagging at me that made me put it down!

  5. Not doing any christmas shopping it will be a hand made gift, love the little christmas mouse cutie

    1. I haven't got time to hand make anything sewn, but there will be some baking being done.

  6. Oooh, Little Whale is so very adorable and correct with his choice of presents <3
    I love the mousey too, I've given in to similar items in the past, lol!
    The books look great, big hugs to

  7. Thanks Yarrow. The cats are stretching themselves along the line of the radiator pipes beneath the floorboards at the moment (when it's on anyway). I don't blame them. I may just get a friend for little mousey - and think of a name for her.
