

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Winter walk in Dinefwr Deer Park (photo heavy)

This will be one of these posts which could be a tad short on words as the photos don't need a lengthy description.

We felt in need of some fresh air today, and as it was such a beautiful clear winter's day, I went with our eldest daughter and her boyfriend for a walk in Dinefwr Castle Deer Park.  We parked up in the Rugby Club car park and made our way across the back of the parkland, using excellent pathways much of the time.  Only the section from the car park to the main track were at all muddy, and even then we managed to find a drier way through.  There were no wild birds on the pond, but plenty of small birds in the woodland around us.

This view is from the main pathway between the woodland and the fields, going in the direction of Newton House.  We stood and drank in the view of the foothills which front Black Mountain.  Just behind the trees to the left is Garn Goch, which was an Iron Age hillfort (the links are worth visiting).  It's many years since we were last there, and we must go again - we have no excuse as it's not very far from Llandeilo or our home.  When T and I were on the Roman Dig in Dinefwr Park, I can remember Ken saying that the Romans would have been able to see the campfires of the Demetae who lived at Garn Goch, just as the Demetae were well aware of the Roman Fort and could see their occupation.

A little wonderworld of moss and fungi had taken over this long-felled tree.

Above and below: The trees stood proud against the blue, blue skies behind the slope.

You can see Garn Goch far more clearly now - it's that hill directly above the white house to the left of the picture.

Fallow deer in the park.  There are normally around 100 of them.

There was a small herd up in the woods too, with young bachelor bucks keeping them company.

Newton House viewed from the slopes of the Deer Park.  I do miss volunteering there.

The sun was starting to drop as we walked through the woods - we had until 3 p.m. to get out, before we were padlocked in!  T did say she noticed a mobile number to phone should this happen though.

I kept dropping behind the other two as I stopped to take photos.

A slightly out of focus photo of the castle, high on its cliffs.

The view behind us.  I was saying how this sort of light was so wonderfully captured in Pre-Raphaelite paintings.

Sunburst through the trees, and lengthening shadows.

A last glimpse of the house through the trees.

The edge of the woodland gives a beautiful view up the Towy Valley.

The castle again.

Such wonderful late afternoon light.  I am pretty sure those are bat boxes on the trees.

There were fabulous reflections on the mill pond.   Here is a link to Dinefwr and some beautiful photographs to show you more of what you missed!

Hmm - I don't know what the red ball is below the sun but it appears reflected in the water!  Must be the Red Ball Ghostie!!

Finally, one of the many very mature oak trees in the park (there are some wonderful Maiden Oaks too, over a thousand years old.)  This one is probably a good 500 years of age.  Below, a last glimpse of the castle.


  1. Wow, thank you for taking and sharing these photos. What a picturesque place. We live on a wonderful island!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the scenery Tracy. It is a really lovely estate. I must walk there regularly - I have no excuse.

  2. I thought those deer were wallabies for a second. Beautiful views but I bet it was very cold. It was here today.

    1. At one point, some of the youngsters from the group on the top of the hill were bothered by our approach, so leapt into action to join the main herd and they did have a wallaby action!

  3. Memories of days like these need to be treasured when so many of the skies are grey this time of year.

    1. Aril - oh, a day borrowed from March without a doubt. It was cold first thing this morning, but I took my jacket off for most of this walk.very

  4. I have often heard Dinefwr park mentioned, must try and get there it looks wonderful, I am not sure if they are bat boxes as they look like they have the opening at the top, bat boxes have an opening at the bottom, could be wrong though.

  5. There were some of each persuasion on the various trees Dawn. Do try to get there - Sol would enjoy the walk too, I'm sure. Lots of local dog walkers use the park daily.

  6. Superb set of photos and what a wonderful walk - would so liked to have been with you :) The views are just beautiful.

  7. RR - wish you had been with us too - it is SO beautiful there. The photos don't really do the day justice.

  8. You got some lovely photos of the castle in the trees.

    1. I like photos of things through frameworks of branches.

  9. It is worth putting up with the icy cold nights for this gloriously sunny weather - lovely photographs. Happy New Year to you all.

    1. Oooh, just. My fingers get cold so quickly when Jack Frost is about though! I have to say that walk wouldn't have been half so enjoyable on a grey day! Last night we had the freezing weather then grey skies this morning and temps slowly rising.

  10. Just found your blog today. You take beautiful pictures. I had hoped to visit Wales next fall but I don't think that'll be happening now - but your pictures make me want to revisit the idea. I'll definitely be visiting your blog ...

    Happy New Year!

    1. Hello Theaa and welcome aboard! I sometimes strike it lucky with the views - we have such beautiful scenery that when the light is right, good photos happen on occasion. On grey days it is a different matter. I hope you can come to Wales soon - you will love it.

    2. Thanks! I look forward to reading more and seeing your beautiful pictures!

  11. Wow! What a wonderful walk. The photos are simply beautiful, especially the little funghi :D

    Happy New Year to you dear friend, I hope to visit sometime next

  12. Happy New Year to you all too. When you come down next, I will take you on this walk. You will adore it.

  13. What a beautiful walk! I just wandered over from The Weaver of Grass blog and will be back. Have a very happy and healthy new year!
