

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 11 January 2017

A much-needed Day Out

On Monday, despite the less than desirable weather (it rained all morning!) we had a day out to celebrate our wedding anniversary.  We set off for Ludlow, which is just over a two hour drive from here.  Unfortunately, I'd not done my homework, and hadn't realized that the castle would be shut during the week - it only opens on Winter weekends.  Ah well - I had to settle for taking a couple of photos through the fence, and one of those was distinctly wobbly (the 3rd).

The last time I had been to Ludlow castle was a few years ago when there was a Food Festival here.  That had been very enjoyable and I would love to go again when it is on, but I fear my dearly beloved would NOT enjoy it as he is not a foodie in any sense of the word, and really only eats to keep drawing breath!!

Ludlow is a beautiful and very historical town.  I am going to be a bit short on words tonight as I don't have time to get the research done to tell you about these buildings and do them justice, but hopefully I can find some extra descriptions to add tomorrow.

I love the little narrow Medieval streets, and there are some lovely shops to tempt you to part with some pennies.  I think the only shops we spent money in were charity shops though!  I bought his and hers jumpers (unworn ones, mine still had a label on) and a scarf, and in the Oxfam shop I found a lovely jug which matches the unused casserole dish of a pattern I drooled over in the 1990s - when we were skint and no way could I have afforded the £25 or so it cost in the shops.  I had been looking to replace our currently very elderly gravy boat, and this is it.  Not cheap - £8.99 in Oxfam - but it had my name on it.  I will try and get a photo of both pieces tomorrow.

A view of one end of the market stalls set out in the marketplace.

Now some window-shopping . ..

Grommit, take a bow.  Isn't he fun?!

I don't know how this lovely building got its name, but probably the blardy obvious one that it once sold fish!

The Parish Church of St Lawrence, which is lovely inside - we went in once before and took a pile of photos.  I must try and find them.  It soars above the town, when you see it from afar.  This LINK will give you some idea of its magnificence and history.  It dates from the 11th C and when Ludlow became very wealthy from the wool trade in the Medieval period, several extensions to St Laurence were carried out.

Self explanatory, but the wonderful carvings below were to the left and right of this blue plaque.  I presume they are Sir Henry Sidney and his Mrs.  He was related to just about everyone who it paid to be related to in late Tudor, and Elizabethan England and was, ahem, very well known in Ireland (and hated, I might add). 

Tomorrow - Leominster . . .


  1. I was there on holiday back in the summer- fabulous carvings on the buildings and as for the misericords! Got over to Leominster too....thankfully Mr GBT behaved himself...I think the threat of the ducking stool was enough to keep him in line!Thanks for bringing back some good memories.

  2. Hi Aril. Happy to bring back good memories for you. It's a lovely area, and when we were first househunting before we bought this house, we looked at quite a few properties in this area. Glad that the threat of the ducking stool worked!

  3. Rain or no rain what a lovely day out.
    The first photos is so beautiful.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. The rain stopped for a bit, but when we came out after our pub lunch, it had started again, as per the forecast. Dry in Leominster though.

  4. Happy Anniversary! Love the pictures.

    1. Thankyou. So much for the "friend" who when she met Keith, said "Oh, I give it two years . . ."

    2. yes, well I'm sure they thought the same about me and mine .. now it's 36 years later...

  5. I love little streets like that, little treasures to discover around every corner, for a day out did you know the Botatnical gardens are free for January again, not sure if it is just week ends though

  6. Hi Dawn, I think they normally are free in January. We are there at the end of the month, standing at the Antiques Fair (in the Dome, so hopefully nice and warm in there).

  7. I love Ludlow. Living as I did in Wolverhampton for many years, it was a good place to have a day out - not too far. In the days when I played Medieval music and danced we occasionally gave a concert in the grounds of the castle.

    1. Oh, how lovely to play Medieval music in the castle grounds. This post conjured up some memories for you then Pat.

  8. Happy Anniversary. A wonderful post - I do love Ludlow and wish it was closer. It is such a wonderful town to wander round with the castle (what a shame it was closed), the independent shops and St Lawrence's are all superb. The latter is one of the best churches I have ever visited. Thanks for bringing back happy memories :)

    1. Thanks RR. Glad I brought back happy memories for you too. It has such beautiful architecture there.

  9. I do like Ludlow. Probably a good thing that we don't live close enough for a day trip, or all our cash would go in the cheese shop!

    1. BS - I looked at the prices of some of the more desirable cheeses and thought Holy Smoke! I did suggest to Keith we could go in and just get a little chunk of one of the really strong Cheddars he favours, but he said, not at those prices!

      Cat's Cottage is still just the bare bones, as it was back in the summer, and the barn still looks to be no further on than it was (but then, I can't see inside it).

  10. Proper overhanging Tudor houses. We have some here, but not in as good condition

    1. Whereabouts are you then Simon? You could just step back in time in a town like Ludlow.

  11. I haven`t been to Ludlow for many years but I remember thinking it was somewhere I could happily live. So much character and interesting things around every corner.
