

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 21 February 2017

If you don't like frogs, look away now . . .

It's Frog Central here at the moment.  There are an awful lot of boy frogs, and a few girl frogs, the latter being outnumbered about 10 to 1!!  When a new girl frog appears, there is a lot of . . . activity. Keith said yesterday, those frogs are fighting out in the pond.  I had to put him right, it was love, not war!

Top and above - the main pond.  There must be 30 or 40 frogs in here.

Above: there were about 20 frogs in here yesterday.  The first frogspawn has already been laid.

Work continues - the paint just as it had been put onto the end gable wall overlooking the yard.  We need to get some scaffolding up on the section over the shed roof to the right to do the last bit.  Today, the attic bathroom wall has been hacked back to the stone and the first coat of lime & hemp will go on this afternoon.

BTW, we had very good feedback from last week's family, and all I can say is, watch this space.  They like it a lot, are doing research on schools etc, and we hope an offer will be forthcoming . . .


  1. Fingers crossed for you that you make a sale - the house is looking lovely painted in such a warm pale ochre colour.
    Glad I wasn't born a girl frog!

    1. Thanks Rosemary - it's a great improvement on how it DID look, as where the ochre paint had dried more slowly in some areas last time it was done, it looked like it had terrible damp problems, but it was just a concentration of pigment in one area. I think we lost all our previous viewers that way - they thought we were lieing when we said there wasn't a damp problem.

  2. I also have fingers crossed That this time all will be OK and you find somewhere wonderful too

    1. Thank you my dear - I also hope that there are no hiccups with selling your little town bungalow.

  3. Never see as many toads - and frogs especially - round here these days, although we have toad warning signs and toad patrols by the local ponds. Seeing a lot of reports of spawn on my social media the last couple of days

    1. Co-ordinated breeding amongst the Frogs this year then Simon.

  4. Gribit, gribit! Good to hear they're breeding....Spring is on the way. I'll have to check my parents's pond to see if they've got any.

    1. Gosh - it was like wrap-around-sound out there! The days are longer, the birds are singing and spring is just around the corner. Yippee!!

  5. Our quiet lane has quite a few squished frogs and toads, poor things are trying to get back to the ponds. It is the same every year and even worse when the tiny ones try to cross the lane back to the fields. From the carnage and bloodshed you would think it was a motorway.
    I love the colour you are painting the house. Very best of luck. Fingers crossed for you.

  6. Hello Elaine. It's horrid seeing the Ones Who Didn't Make It on the road - larger than life - so to speak! It always amazes me that any make it to adulthood, but then I suppose when you are born with thousands of brothers and sisters, the odds aren't too bad.

    Wales can be very drab and grey (and wet) in the winter so yellow is a cheerful colour, inside and out. Yet, its name, Ynyswen, means White Island, so it ought to be white I suppose (though someone in the past must have killed a few steers, as they had enough blood to paint it red . . .)

  7. BTW Elaine, I shall go and check if our Wild Garlic is putting in an appearance yet. We have some by the front gate.

  8. Really hoping you get a result from your viewing. You put our pond to shame, it soooo needs a clean.

    1. There's a foot of sludge in both the ponds, but when I tried removing some from the wildlife pond, it upset the balance and it's never cleared since.

  9. loved to see the frogs in the old house, though the mating of half a dozen males on one poor female occasionally resulted in her death, but it is a sign of spring, just like when the worms all erupt on the surface for mating. Not exactly a pleasant sight of course, the flowers stand out more....

  10. I know what you mean about the outnumbering of the poor females by the males. I wonder why there is always such an imbalance?
