

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Walnut Streusel Top Banana Muffins

Well, we only bought two lots at the auction - the prices were sky high - being bought for more than we can sell around here, AND some.  Lots of stuff being bought (sight unseen I suspect) over the Internet.  Some pieces we knew were damaged, and yet they fetched silly money.  We just can't compete with collectors or London buyers. Ah well, our pieces didn't cost too much, so hopefully will attract buyers.  I still wish I'd got the items I was under-bidder on though.  Sigh.  I think we will have to go further afield for auctions at this rate, and keep haunting the car boot sales.  We bought several worthwhile things at the local car boot sale on Sunday, and we DO enjoy searching round for bargains.

We saw some friends arriving at the auction just as we were leaving, and invited them to come back for tea and cake afterwards.  We weren't sure if they would (as it happened, they didn't), so I had a quick hurtle round the kitchen and hall floors with the mop (MUCH needed after muddy Theo this morning) and in between dashing upstairs to bid on other items through (back at the same auction we were this morning), and tidying the kitchen, I eventually made a new-to-me recipe which I adapted slightly to include walnuts, as I know my husband likes them so much (though as you know he is not normally a cake eater).  These little Muffins smelt WONDERFUL when they came out of the oven, and I had one later with some ice cream, and OH MY, it tasted just as good as it smelt!  Here is the recipe:


200g (7 oz) plain flour
1 tspn baking powder
1 tspn bicarbonate of soda
sprinkle of salt
1 tspn cinnamon
1 beaten egg
3 medium size bananas, ripe, mashed with fork
75g sugar (2 1/2 oz)  
1 tspn vanilla extract
115 g (4 oz) butter, melted


75g (2 1/2 oz) brown sugar
2 tblspns plain flour
2       "     oats
2       "     butter (room temperature)
40g (1 1/2 oz) walnuts, chopped quite finely

Set the oven at 375 deg. F (that's 190 deg. C or Gas Mark 5 - a moderate oven).  Sift together the plain flour, sodas, cinnamon and salt in a mixing bowl.

In a second bowl, mash the bananas and add the sugar, egg, melted butter and vanilla.  Shake in the flour mix and combine (not too vigorously).  Place large spoonfuls of this mix into muffin cases in a 12 hole tin.

For the topping, combine the butter, sugar and flour until mixed (I cheated and melted my butter as it was hard from the fridge).  Stir in oats and chopped walnuts and divide this mixture between the 12 muffins.  Bake for approx. 20 minutes or until a knife blade comes out clean.  Cool on baking rack.


  1. those muffins sound and look lovely, I prefer pecans to walnuts might have to try it with some :-)

  2. They look yum! I'm with you on the pecans, Dawn!

  3. The original recipe called for Pecans, but I had none in the house.

  4. I'll happily eat them, although baking them may be beyond me!

  5. Just catching up on posts - so pleased to hear the last viewing looked so promising.Fingers crossed for you! Loved your frog photos - no activity in our pond yet!

    Gosh, those muffins look delectable - I am always looking for new ways to use up over-ripe bananas! I am supposedly banned from making cakes at the moment as too many family members on diets :( but will copy out the recipe for future use! :)

    1. There was a lovely double chocolate banana cake I'd like to try too . . .

  6. Interesting about your frogs- we found a toad in the garden today so I must check if they're out of hibernation and crossing the road again now. The muffins sound delightful. I could almost smell them from here 😁 X

  7. CT - the pond has quietened down a bit now, but lots of frogspawn out there. I hope they don't succomb to the virus that wiped them all out a couple of years back. I can recommend the Muffins - they are gorgeous.

  8. Ive been away for such a long time.
    Ive been catching up on your blog today.
    Those muffins sound wonderful. xx
