

Jennie's recipes

Monday 6 March 2017

A breath of sea air

We felt like we needed a breath of sea air today.  For a fortnight my asthma has been irritable and my peak flow poor so I thought, after Portsmouth's breezes last week, I could benefit from some Welsh sea air today, so Keith and I went down to our nearest beach at Llansteffan.  Hence the new header photo.  There are always shells washed up against the rocks.  usually cockle shells, as the shallow area just at the mouth of the Towy is home to the Carmarthen Cockle Beds.

Above and below: you can see how fast the tide was coming in.  As a cocklepicker, you need to know and respect these tides as golly gosh, this was coming in FAST and would have swept the feet out from under you.

As we couldn't walk around the headland, for obvious reasons!, we climbed up onto the footpath below the castle, from whence this photo looking up the Towy was taken.

Across the bay is Ferryside.

This splendid house (I don't know it's name so will have to look at my local map and report back) used to be pink, if my memory serves me correctly.  It looks better (off)white!

Above and below, Ramsons and Celendines growing quickly now in the woods below the castle.  I shall be back tomorrow with a few more words - these photos seem to take forever to load.


  1. Sea air. There's nothing quite like it, is there? X

  2. Definitely not. It hit the spot with me today and after a walk up the hill before teatime, I felt better still.

  3. Hoping to see ramsons when I take my work walkers out in our April 2nd trip! Long time since I've seen the sea.

    1. They will definitely be up by then Simon. I assume you live a long way from the sea?

  4. I love these photos, they're fabulous <3 I can't believe how lush those Ramsons look. I don't think the ones near me are even poking their noses up! I'll have to and look but when we were in the woods last week there was just mud! Hope your asthma is behaving after all tat lovely fresh

    1. Glad you enjoyed them. The Ramsons are through everywhere, though these were a lot further on than the ones I have on our land. I used Intelligent Auto on my new camera and it used the flash, so they look much brighter. Asthma not so bad today thanks.

  5. I'm glad you are feeling the benefits of that blast of sea air.

    1. Hi Elainen - yes, but I'd love to go back and do a proper walk by the sea. I will have to settle for a local one today instead.

  6. The sea looks lovely, just the right amount of greyness, inviting yet forbidding.

    1. Definitely forbidding, it was coming in at SUCH a rate Thelma.

  7. I do like Llansteffan did you collect any cockles when you were there

    1. No - the cocklebeds were under all those rolling waves!

  8. I picked my first wild Ransoms last weekend, they were much further along than the ones in my garden. Unlike the Rhubarb which is growing like weeds.

    1. My Rhubarb is biding its time (unlike the stuff down the hill in a neighbour's garden, which has always grown like Triffids. Ramsons not doing too badly though.

  9. Wonderful photos of what looks a great day out. Hope the sea air helped with your asthma.

    1. It seems to have, and I had the energy for a 6 mile walk today!
