

Jennie's recipes

Friday 3 March 2017

Back home from Portsmouth - photos: "on the water"

I have been trying to get a blog post done (we were out all day yesterday), but this morning photos are taking an age to load.  I am back from town and will add some more . . .  No words for the photos, they are fairly self expanatory.

This big cargo ship was registered at Nassau.  We have just been watching the brilliant series "Black Sails" and of course, associate Nassau with PIRATES!

It was at Spice Island where many men were press ganged into the Navy, as Spice Island was famous for its pubs and brothels . . .  The area was known as "the Spice of Life" for obvious reasons!

Anyway, I am now back home and my aunty's funeral is behind me.  It was a bit too close on the heels of Tricia's funeral (and brought it all back).  I arrived early and spent a couple of hours walking round Romsey, which hasn't changed so very much from when I used to go there as a child (dad worked in the family business there). I could have bought a few things in the Charity shops if I was just there on an ordinary day.

Anyway, my aunty's funeral at Romsey Abbey was well-attended - she was a very popular lady, and her extended family was a big one.  It was good to meet up with the family again, although such a sad occasion of course.  I managed to leave the envelope of Family History research I had done behind at my daughter's so will be posting that on to one of my cousins tomorrow.  


  1. Goodness, the Harbour was busy BB. Lots of memories there for me!

  2. I knew there would be. I could have sat and watched (in the warm!) all day.
