

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 23 March 2017


I always feel a pang of regret when I take down an old header and put up a new one.  Always, and today was no exception.  However, a nice snowy spring-like (!) scene should carry us over the transition into spring, and the clocks (needlessly) change this weekend and spring forward into spring, so we get an hour less in bed.  I am very pleased with my new camera and it takes much better detail - even in distant scenic shots.

Just before it got dimpsey yesterday, I walked up the hill as I knew there was snow on the mountains and wanted to take some photos.  Here is Black Mountain with its coating of snow.  It was even trying to snow here on Wednesday and not a good day to be outside.  We quite often get no snow throughout the winter  (the past winter has been quite mild), only to have some fall late in March when the daffodils - and sometimes tulips too - are out.  And so it came to pass this year too.

There were some wonderful cloud formations last night, so I will do a special post just on cloudscapes.

We had a frost last night, and I've just driven to get the paper and still can't feel my hands, as the steering wheel was so cold. I am going to do some baking in a moment, so that will hopefully warm me up a bit.  The Primroses are in full bloom along the lanes.

Being a bit chilly, of course, matters not when measured against the terrorist attack on Westminster Bridge and Parliament yesterday, and my thoughts are with the friends and families of those who died or were badly injured in yesterday's attack.  Time for a reality check perhaps, and for armed police guarding Parliament.  RIP PC Keith Palmer, who it would seem was unarmed.

Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage which loves the damp conditions hereabouts.

A general view across the valley, with Upton Hall in the foreground, the red of Goitre farmstead, and a larger farm beyond which is Llettyngors.  I can't tell you the translation as the Welsh - English links on the computer seem to be fairly useless.  This is the general dispersal of farms in the landscape around here.

The sunlight through these Bramble leaves was too good to be ignored with my new camera.

FINALLY, the scaffolders came yesterday, so hopefully Steve and co will be back to finish off the last of the decorating, and the final little bit of hemp and lime up on the attic window aperture.

Our new (but old!) oak settle in the front hall.  I just fell in love with it - I've always wanted one.  Of course, the cats have immediately claimed it as theirs so I've had to throw an old bedspread over the Laura Ashley cushions.

This lovely oak refectory table came from the same home (a guesthouse) and is being polished up ready for sale.  Isn't it gorgeous?  Not too big either, just 5 feet long.  It's probably late Victorian.

Right, time to go and do some baking.  Later:  I made two trays of Double Ginger Gingerbread, my friend Frances' 6 egg Chocolate cake, and a loaf of oaty bread.  Shout out if you want the cake recipes - though I think the Chocolate one is about the only one I managed to get to the sidebar!


  1. Lovely, but chilly, shots. Soon saxifrage will dominate the cemetery here

  2. Ah, God's Little Acre. I wish they had left the half acre of chapel burial plot to its own devices, but no, they decided it had to be "tidy" (which is very chapel) and mowed down all the Aquilegia that was growing there. It had looked amazing. Now some survives amongst the headstones, but I wouldn't put it past them to pull up the "weeds" from there too . . .

  3. Excellent photos, what is the make of your camera Jennie? Love that settle and hope the cats do not scratch the Laura Ashley cushions.

  4. I love your new header BB. A beautiful photo of snowy Black Mountain.

  5. Gorgeous photos - looks like you have a super new camera :) Would love the double ginger gingerbread recipe please if you get time to post it. Your cloudscapes in the latest post are stunning :)
