

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Best made plans and all that

It will soon be Aquilegia time again, and I couldn't resist sharing one of last year's photographs with you.

I have been having a very frustrating day.  We had to go into town first thing and I offered to collect Keith's prescription and walk across town via M&S for fish, and then I needed to go to the Market to get a new battery for my watch.  By the time I got back to Tesco my legs felt like chewed string and I was really hot - so much for being "better" from this bug.  I thought I had it cracked once the temperature went away and I - sensibly for once - sat on the sofa with a book instead of gardening yesterday afternoon.

Anyway, we got home and I thought after a rest, I might have the energy to put up my plastic greenhouse.  Then the phone went and the Unit wanted photos of the coffer we had just taken OUT, as a lady had come back, very interested, and wanted to see it again and measure up before deciding.  I came upstairs and found that my mouse had died and I couldn't persuade either of the cameras to connect with the laptop.  So that meant I had to physically TAKE the coffer back to the Unit (didn't want to miss a possible sale) and I got held up there.  Then I had to drive from Llandovery back to Carmarthen and go and get a new mouse, which I did.  Got home - it needed batteries (not mentioned when I bought it and my brain was in neutral).  I had two AAA batteries - but they turned out to be flat.  So I am having to navigate using the little flat area on the laptop and I find it very unhelpful.

I am not in the mood (brain still too woolly) for writing the talk I am giving in a months' time and which I am worried witless about getting researched and polished in time, and I also need to fit in a day out to Dymock to take appropriate photographs - on a sunny day.  The only sunny days this week are at the weekend and I am working 3 days in a row.

So I have fallen back on family history research, which I've done well on recently despite some brick walls which I am still trying to batter down.  Today I am researching the "9 children, 7 dead" born to my g. g. grandmother Hobbs, who in her late 50s went on to adopt another, who I assume may have been from one of her children's families and then the death of a parent meant breaking them up and sending them to live with relatives.  Or else, born the wrong side of the blanket.  Can't specifically find his birth yet, though I now know it is March 1889 though on the 1901 and 1911 censuses it definitely states he was born in Peckham and that doesn't help me at ALL as he wasn't registered there.

You're stuck with this font too as I can't figure out how to highlight it and change it to Verdana.

I have finished reading the last of my physical copies of Ann Cleeve's books The Sleeping and the Dead (v. good) and have a pile of books on my Kindle to read now.  Various ones.  I'm in the middle of Burial of Ghosts right now, also by Ann Cleeves.

Right, back after a better night's sleep I hope!

Well, I had the better night's sleep but have just helped Keith clean the car and now I feel about to collapse in a heap again, so I am guessing this is a flu type bug that I have held slightly at bay because I had my flu jab last year.  I guess I shan't be doing the two small fairs now.


  1. Goodness what a day.
    Sleep well, another day tomorrow

    Lots of aquiligia here, wonder what colours they will be

    1. I can't wait for my Aquilegia to be out. Unfortunately, the weeds are in competition!! I look forward to seeing your Aquilegias. Hope you have some unusual ones (we'll have to swop seeds).

  2. Your day was very busy, time for you to set a spell and read some Ann Cleeves.

    1. Oh believe me Terra, I've had some much busier days than that - just frustrating. I am relieved to say I have a working cord-free (PURPLE!) mouse now. I hate using that little area on the bottom of the laptop - just doesn't cut it for me. I may have added one or two extra books to my Kindle now . . .

  3. Oh dear, big hugs - sorry you're feeling so out of it still. A month is a long time to get prepared if you give yourself a few days to clear your head and set a schedule, I know you will be fine. Hope you slept well - today's another day :)

    1. Sensible words Tracy. I have a busy day today as I have to clean the car (incident with narrow lane, big heavy and muddy puddle yesterday), I really MUST get my plastic greenhouse up and seeds in trays and we have to pack for the 1st of 3 back to back fairs. . . I slept better thank you.

  4. The viruses have just started circulating at work, damn them!

    1. Hope they aren't the ones from Yorkshire. NOT a nice bug at all.

  5. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. As long as I don't move an inch - I'm OK. However, there are things to do, people to see etc and I can't just sit, much as my body wants me too - not ALL day long anyway.

  6. Do hope you feel better soon. Love the "Granny's Bonnet" photo. Am working my way through the Ann Cleeves' Vera Stanhope books at the moment and loving them. Have also discovered another new good author - Elly Griffiths and her Ruth Galloway series - unputdownable!!! Sorry to hear about your mobile library - not good :(

  7. Hi RR. I am sure you are enjoying AC's Vera Stanhope books - I swas so sad to come to the end of them. I have just indulged myself in an Elly Griffiths, which is close to the top of the pile to start reading, and I am sure I will be a fan of hers too soon.

    As for the mobile library, I will have to do without.

    Right, the sun has come calling and beckons me outside . . .

  8. I enjoy your blog very much. Thanks for sharing. I, too, have trouble sleeping so use Melatonin from time to time. Just 3mcg. I've taken Ambien but it's way too strong, even halved; and makes me dizzy and nauseous the following day. We all need our sleep, especially as we get on in years. You aren't, but I am, and I have so much to do during the day. Can't afford to be sick or tired or sick and tired. Love your comments on the horses Our old riding school friends have started a facebook page about our instructor, Lt. Col. George W. Marsden (Br. Cav. ret'd) here about English riding in the American west (Washington State). I've long wanted to trace Col. Marsden's family but don't know where to start. He was married once in England, a daughter I met being about 30 in 1958 or so. He had been in India; played polo; said he lost his first wife in the Blitz. Any ideas? Anyway he taught us jumping and basic dressage on our little re-furbished cow ponies. Such fond memories.
