

Jennie's recipes

Monday 22 May 2017

A busy weekend

We were standing at Brecon Militaria Fair yesterday.  I took a break and had a walk along the Brecon canal.  This beautiful garden (lots of Aquilegias) is by a little bridge over the canal.  This photo, btw, took FOURTEEN MINUTES to load.  Are you listening, BT?

Isn't this pretty?  There is a busy road the other side of it, which leads from the by-pass into Brecon, but I dare say the quiet canalside at the backmakes up for that.

A view of the allotments, which were all neat and tidy and folk busy working on them.

Isn't this a lovely spot?  The pink cottage is just the other side of that bridge.  A family had hired a little boat and a lad of about 9 or so was having his first chance to "drive" it!  Much hilarity.  I couldn't help thinking, this is how children should be brought up.

A couple of shots along the canal basin and just leaving it.  For some reason the photos got loaded last-first, so I have foolishly loaded them in the same way.

Water Wagtail on the tow path.  I've always loved Wagtails (Polly Dishwashers my mum used to call them).  We have these about the place sometimes, but I wish they wouldn't come near our ponds because of our cats.

A last one of the allotments - taken because those yellow Lupins looked splendid.


  1. What a very pretty area - love those cottage gardens and the allotments with a wonderful view. I think I would spend a lot of time sitting . . gazing . . dreaming while the weeds grew!.
    I miss my canal-side walks, not possible since leaving Leicestershire behind and coming to live in Cornwall - but now I have beaches instead, so mustn't grumble.

  2. I think beaches probably beat canal side walks hands down! A super spot for those allotments - I would do a lot of gazing too I think.

  3. Aquilegia doesn't do well in KY--I think summers are too hot and humid. I enjoyed 'walking' with you along the canal--a good break from the bustle of the flea market.

  4. I wasn't missing much by staying, that's for sure. There is a limit to how many badges, bits of Uniform, various guns, pistols, swords and knives I can take!

    I know that Aquilegia is prone to Mildew so your hot and humid summers would do for it. What a shame. I have noted a couple of rarer colours amongst mine this year - one is a little self-seeded lilac/blue in a crack in the path edge, and a coral/yellow is by the pond, whilst the pink/white and pink/yellow and pure yellow have survived in their big pots.
