

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 17 May 2017

A wander round Newcastle Emlyn

I will write my post now and add some more photos later as the line/broadband is SO bad here it is taking half an hour to load each photo.  I have complained to BT again and they ran a check on the line, but said it was ok, yet are sending an engineer out on Thursday.  It is desperately bad - last time I tried to bid online at an auction, I had to have two windows up for the sale - one with the item list and sound, and then the live auction with no sound.  When I finally tried to bid, I couldn't and missed the item I REALLY wanted.  Fortunately no-one else wanted it (two books of Georgian poetry - connected with Edward Thomas and the Dymock Poets) and I was able to phone the auction and buy it then.  I CANNOT trade like this though - had we been bidding on furniture someone else WOULD have bought it.  As this auction is in Gloucestershire, and a two day one, we can't go both days.

Anyway, this is the one and only photo I took of the castle - Keith wasn't feeling too chipper and had gone back to the car with some plants I bought and had extracted a promise from me that I wouldn't be long . . .  The plants were two Pericallis Senetti like the ones below, but mine are the brightest of bright Magenta and Purple!  Anyway, back later when - or if, as it really IS dire today - I can load some more photos.

BUT - the quilt shop was shut as they were at Malvern Quilt Festival . . .  I had been hoping to get my crafting mojo going again too.


  1. like me, that's a very atmospheric ruin

    1. Smiles!! There isn't a great deal of it left but it is in a pretty spot and as you rightly said, quite atmospheric. I need to look up a bit of its history.

  2. It is years since i went to Newcastle Emlyn so I really enjoyed that wander thank you.

    1. I doubt it's changed a great deal Pat - a few old fashioned shops are probably now crafts and charity shops and there's still a mart. That was in progress when we were there.

  3. Those ruins look very interesting and atmospheric :)
    Hope you get your broadband problems sorted soon.

    1. RR - I'm not holding my breath. Openreach guy out today and "nothing wrong with line" and a brief broadband test showed no problems either! Guess I'll be getting a bill and then probably the men in white coats will be calling as I will be going nutso if they say there is nothing wrong with the broadband either - except it takes half an hour to load a photo and I can't bid on line at an auction as I used to be able to, and Danny said the upload speed last night was in megabytes not gigabytes and archaic!

  4. Did I spy peonies for sale? I would come home from such a place with more plants than I have room for. Never mind stores that sell clothing and such--book shops, quilts shops, garden centers are the proper venues for parting with one's money.
    A pox on your broadband provider!

  5. They have everything at that Graden Centre Sharon and at sensible prices. Those plants I bought were 2 for £5 (or £2.99 each). At the big rip-off garden centre chain, Wyevale, they would have easily been £5.99 each or even £7.99!! I never buy much more than seeds at Wyevale.

    IO was disappointed that the quilt shop was shut, but the charity shops were open and I had a quick look round two of those, and the antiques centre (2nd one)was excellent.

    A double pox on our broadband provider!! Apparently there is "nothing wrong with the line" . . . presumably just total lack of capacity and it's mainly the 1950s (original) copper cable in place and NOT fibre optic cable capable of getting broadband signal all the way to us.
