

Jennie's recipes

Monday 15 May 2017

Soooooooooooooo tired

We've just had three day working weekend and I feel shattered today.  As it is raining steadily, at least I am spared having to water round and also gardening is out of the question.  I got lots done last week when the sun was shining though, and have another seed stack full of trays of seeds started.  Cucumbers, tomato plants, peppers and chillis potted on and doing well in the big plastic greenhouse, but I must try and get my runner beans  planted in the veg patch (when I have dug it over and trenched it. . . .)

Yesterday's car boot sale was a better selling experience than recent ones, although the field was half empty.  Not much to buy though.  I'm glad we didn't do our local one as apparently a horse show was on so they stuck the booters in knee deep soaking wet grass on the far side of the site.  I bet that went down like a lead balloon!

Right, my brain is ceasing to function so I had better get on with some chores before we go into town for my 6 monthly Respiratory check up.

There will be photos again when I have worked out how to load them.  This new computer is good BUT only has one dedicated USB port so I am off to get a sort of extension for it which will give extra ports to make life easier.  Of course, having one major technological breakdown, the Kindle is now threatening to do the same!  Let's hope it won't go to 3 items . . .

Update: I found where to stick the gizmo, so will do a dedicated Bluebell Walk post later on.  Meanwhile, I just have to work out how to save and them import them, which is not as straight forward as on the old laptop it would seem.


  1. I still struggle with laptop, Windows 10 is not my friend. I did have all my photos imported when I bought it, thankfully as I have a few friends who managed to lose all theirs.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling. I am sure my clever son will soon sort me out.

  2. Good luck with the photos. I absolutely loathe the system Windows 10 uses - it was so much easier and better with the old computer. Do hope something comes of the interest shown by the couple in Scotland re: your house.

    1. Thanks RTR. I haven't reached the loathing stage yet, but I always think if it ain't broke, don't fix it! We have our fingers x'd for our Scottish couple.

  3. Selling and buying houses is just so frustrating isn't it?

    1. Very. Everyone loves our house who sees it, but it needs someone with the money and inspiration to take it on.

  4. Always keep an external drive somewhere for backing up photos. Or even one of those funny little square things called a memory card!

    1. I have an external hard drive which has all but the past couple of months of photos etc on it. The final version of my Edward Thomas isn't on it, or the latest updating of this year's accounts.

  5. I've dropped my house by £25,000 and people are still offering £30,000 below that! Prices are in a slump at the moment, but it's supposed to pick up again soon. Fingers crossed for us both.x
