

Jennie's recipes

Monday 26 June 2017


Morning all.  My sleep patterns are still all to pot, as on Saturday night first of all I found it hard to get to sleep, then I woke twice for the loo (I have to take my Montelukast tablet late evening with half a pint of water), then I woke an hour before the alarm was due to go off, so didn't sleep past 2.45 a.m.  Needless to say, that takes a while to get over.  My brain always seems to get anxious when I know I really NEED a good night's sleep because we are up early - for Malvern of course.  This time we sold there for the first time, and took an outside stall at the Antiques Fair.

Anyway, we stopped in Ledbury on the way back, to pop into Hay Wines and get a bottle of Organic White wine.  I took a few snaps on the way round.   The Medieval Market Hall (above) is particularly spectacular.  It dates back to 1653.  Around this spot in 1645 the Roundheads and Cavaliers fought.  The Royalists won.

These are Alms Houses where retired folk live.  Some of them had pots of flowers on the walkway in front of the building.  The Clocktower is part of the Library building, which is dedicated to Elizabeth Barrett-Browning (the family lived nearby).

Boots the Chemists is housed in this lovely building.

Above: The Feathers Inn.

Ledbury has won Britain in Bloom in the past, and everywhere was beautifully decorated with flowers.  I can tell you something, Carmarthen would be LAST in any competition like that.  I think they only employ one bloke in their Garden department if the roundabouts are anything to go by.  I must take a photo or two as believe me, they are atrocious!

There were several beds planted up like this with pretty roses and fruit trees.  Of course, Herefordshire is famous for its orchards, and had we been travelling through any day except Sunday, we could have stopped and bought Cherries, as there was a sign to cherry orchards on the way to Ledbury.

Finally, my end of our stand.  The splendid bobbin chair will be off to the two day Antiques Fair at the Botanic Gardens this weekend.

I may go back to bed now - I woke at 4 a.m., laid in bed till 5 by which time I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep.  Now I feel I could sleep on the head of a pin!


  1. What a beautiful place Ledbury is and your photos are gorgeous. I've had trouble sleeping too, but I'm not really surprised at that! Hope you get some rest

  2. I'm hoping tonight will be better. I've just had a lovely walk for an hour up the valley and will do some gardening later, so hope that will help. We'd quite like to live near Ledbury.

  3. We pass through (or rather round the outskirts of) Ledbury when we travel west. We drove through the centre once, when the usual outer road was closed for roadworks, but it was fairly late at night so we didn't see much.

    Last time we went to the Malvern show (last year's spring show), we finally took the time to have a little wander round Tewkesbury Abbey gardens, so if I'm fit enough for us to get to the Autumn show, maybe we'll break our journey in Ledbury instead.

  4. There are some good shops there and beautiful buildings. Don't miss Church Street.

  5. What a wonderful town and lovely flower beds.
    Sleep better tonight.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  6. I did thank you parsnip. I think my brain goes to Alert Mode when it knows I have something the next day (can't just totally relax). The flower beds were beautiful. I looked at the main A40 roundabout approaching Carmarthen yesterday and there is now NOTHING growing in it - they have even removed the prickly shrubs! What a welcome to a town - but then it tells you all you need to know about the soul-less prats who run it!

  7. Keep meaning to visit Ledbury as I haven't visited for years. Your photos are lovely and make me want to visit all the more. Do hope your sleep patterns improve soon.

  8. Better last night RR. Apparently bad sleep patterns are inherited! Thanks Dad . . . could have done without this gene being passed on : )
