

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 4 June 2017

Sunshine in Fishguard

The weather forecast for today was dire - a huge band of rain across all of West Wales, and especially the car boot sale we had intended selling at, so yesterday we decided we would just go and have a potter around our local boot sale instead.  We woke up to find that it was still dry, and it was dry all the time we were on Carmarthen showground.  We loaded up our purchases, and set off for Carew Car Boot sale (near Tenby).  It stayed dry.  We loaded up our purchases again, and set off for a Vintage Rally (and car boot sale etc) at Scolton Manor,  just beyond Haverfordwest.  If you look at any map of the area, you will see this was turning into quite a jaunt . . . Anyway, the sun was shining nicely and so we decided as we were 3/4 of the way to Fishguard, we would go and get a picnic lunch and get some sea air.  These photos above and below are views across the edge of the Prescelli Mountains.  We were rather peeved the forecast was completely wrong, as we could have done with a chance of getting some more money in the coffers . . .

A lovely old building off the square in Fishguard.

When we pulled into the car park overlooking the harbour (where the Irish ferry sails from), there was a large Hungry Herring Gull, on point duty.

We sat and ate our bread and cheese car picnic, and Keith read the paper whilst I knitted.  The windows were wide open and the sea breeze was lovely.

Above and below, a brief history and summary of the fort on the headland.  It amused me that when there WAS some action, they quickly removed the Fishguard Fencibles (soldiers) . . .

A view of the fort as we approached it.  Behind, you can just see the Irish ferry taking cars and lorries on board.

The view northwards along the coast.

Thrift (sea pinks) growing on the wall.

One of several cannon which still remain in place here.

This is the roof of the building (now with a secure set of iron bars to keep out intruders) which would have housed the soldiers back in the day.  I think "basic" is the word to describe it inside.  I love the stone roof tiles.

A view across the river estuary to the Posh Houses the other side.

A view along the coastline again.

These are now officially called The Fishguard Socks, as I knitted a nice chunk there today as we relaxed in the car.  I have reached the turning the heel stage, so the next bit should be fun!  I may have to call Pam back (she of A New Life in Wales blog) to come and rescue me!


  1. Lovely day out and I am sure the wonderful sea air would do wonders for your breathing. Sock taking shape.

  2. You bet the sea air did me good Pat - Peak Flow 520, which I have never achieved before. It has been down in the dumps around 400, so this is amazing. It's mainly due to doubling of asthma medication I think.

  3. Have you seen the embroidery (displayed in the library I think and in the style of the Bayeux tapestry) which commemorates the time when Fishguard was nearly invaded by the French during the Napoleonic wars? We used to stay in a lovely old farmhouse not far from Fishguard. It was an easy walk along flower strewn lanes to a magical garden called Dyffryn Fernant (I think). The farmhouse came with a visiting cat who we called Connie and who used to eat up all our fishy scraps. Your posts always make me nostalgic for Wales BB.

  4. Sarah - no I haven't. We saw the place where it is (which is dedicted to Fishguard's history) in the Square. Mind you, on a Sunday NOTHING is open in Fishguard. It is a VERY quiet little town. I have just been checking out the details of the Last Invasion and ought to enter them as a separate post I think.

    Your holidays in the area sound wonderful. There is something about the "edge of land" as opposed to the seaside. I am glad my post encouraged happy memories, but can imagine you have a hiraeth for Wales again now . . .

  5. Lovely photos, very envious. I have never stopped off in Fishguard mostly because I was 'stone hunting' but it definitely has history. As for knitting, my socks always turn out too big, too much thinking to do knitting socks!

  6. Wonderful photos BB. I can imagine how the sea air and those views made you feel so much better!

  7. when we were checking out wales as a possible future home we spent many a day in Fishguard collection razor clams lovely place :-)

  8. Great photo's as usual, I love Tenby and have had a visit or 3 to Fishguard. If on your buying trips, you should happen upon a working spinning wheel think of me. I am always happy to come and knit with you, just whistle. "You know how to whistle don't you ....."
