

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Flower Power

If saying it with flowers works, then my message was "love my house" (with "buy my house" in parenthesis!)   When I had (FINALLY) got everything looking as I wanted it to look (with apologies for the weeds in the veg plot - I ran out of time there.) I allowed myself to wander round the garden with the secateurs, chosing some flowers to make the house homely.  The jug I bought from a stall in Hay market - absolutely perfect for flowers.

A lesser posy in the kitchen.  The yellow flowers are Elecampane, the roots of which are used for treating chest complaints (if my memory serves me well). 

Another small posy down in mum's flat, which they loved.  They remarked on the lovely antiques making the house look right.  Hah - half of the things down here have a price tag on!

The yew table, centre, definitely ISN'T for sale.  The smaller one with the posy on is also solid yew, and was at the Botanic Gardens last weekend, but scarcely anyone looked at it.  As you can see from the light anomaly by the curtains, it was VERY bright and hot outside.

Looking up the room the other way.   I have redecorated down here and the pale green is just right.

So, we shall see.  I am having tomorrow OFF!!  I did about 4 1/2 hours' frantic gardening on Monday.  A 12 hour stint of housework and touching up paintwork yesterday.  8 hours today, some gardening, but started off with baking Apple Gingerbread cakes, and did some tidying in the garden too, as well as pushing the vacuum about and dusting.  I think I have earned a rest.

I am not allowing to get myself excited - we have had several time wasters in the past.  These folk aren't, but if I don't get my hopes up then they won't be dashed again.  We have earmarked two properties in Herefordshire which would fit the bill, but won't dash off to view them.  We used to try and view a couple each year, just in case anything did happen and we had to move fast.  I have my sensible head on now and we will just have a day out somewhere.  I desperately want to go to Oxford (Museums) but it will be a loooooooooong day - £167 miles each way.  Perhaps we can manage a night away?


  1. I love your posies, I have been bringing flowers indoors I love them, I hope you get day off and better still an offer

  2. I could do with a day off. We seem to have been working flat out for weeks and weeks.

  3. Your house looks absolutely lovely BB - I have fallen inlove with it just from the photographs - I wonder why it is taking so much selling.

  4. Thank you Pat. It IS a lovely house. It's not overpriced (in fact we have dropped £50,000 on the original asking price.) I think the farm puts some people off and others who have really fallen in love with it are just dreamers. The main problem is it's in Wales. Not everyone wants to live here.

  5. I should think you deserve a day - or more- off, you've been really busy. I really hope these people put in an offer. And all those flowers - so gorgeous. I thought I was going to be able to bring in Dahlias but they are just full of pollen beetle -as are all the veg flowers.

  6. I don't think I've ever heard of pollen beetle before Sue. I must look it up. Glad you liked the flowers. It was just a shame they weren't here when our Paul's Himalayan Musk was out. Ah well, the Kiftsgate put on a good show, as did the last of the Garland rambler.

    I am looking forward to my day off, and Middle Daughter is coming to see us as well.

  7. Hi BB

    Your home is delightful and I love all the furniture its the sort of thing I like too proper traditional furniture. I particularly love the tables. I have nowhere here to put them though but you have given me an idea as to what to look out for in the future. Your posies are stunning too. Absolutely charming. Take care dear friend.

    Tricia xx

    1. Thank you Tricia. I know this house would be just up your street (if a tad large, as it is for us now the children have fled the nest and mum is no longer with us). I so enjoyed making up the posies and am enjoying them still.

  8. Your rooms have a lovely county elegance and the flowers are the perfect finishing touch. Preparing for a viewing is exhausting--one keeps seeing things that should be tweaked. I always told myself not to get hopes up when we had a 'showing', but of course one does.

    1. Thank you Sharon. You wouldn't believe HOW picky some folk are though. To your face too, which is upsetting when you have invested so much in your home. We always keep such thoughts to ourselves and wouldn't dream of being so bad-mannered as to air them to the vendors of any property we view.

      I thought I had got every cobweb, but was still horrified to see some more festoons when I was showing them round!

      Yup, hopes up a little but too exhausted to be excited . . .

    2. We once had a woman standing in our kitchen counting how many ceramic tiles it would need to convert the checkerboard patterned floor into a 'solid color' expanse. She wanted the house--but expected us to give her an option to buy contract until she sold her house in another state. Not!

  9. It looks absolutely lovely and the flowers hit the right note, how could they not be charmed?

    1. Thank you Thelma. They were charmed. Whether enough to put in an offer only time will tell.
