

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 20 July 2017

WIld flowers near Brecon and update with a PINK Nasturtium

Above and a close up below: Rosebay Willowherb.  Well, I have just spoken to the Agents and they said, abandon hope, basically.  The folk who viewed won't return phone calls or answer emails, so were obviously suited elsewhere.  Onwards and upwards I guess . . . 

We had a long day yesterday, as we went to auction at Wotton-under-Edge again (we go most months), and came home with some more furniture to go in the Unit.  We drive up on the motorway, and that takes us about 2 hours.  We have lunch in Wotton, go around the charity shops, pack our purchases into the car, and drive home via the scenic route, x-country to Gloucester, then through the Forest of Dean to Monmouth, on to Abergavenny and back home along the A40, which we know like the back of our hands.  We count ourselves so fortunate to get out and about like this, and to travel through the Brecon Beacons every week - the scenery is stupendous - is something we never tire of.

We are off to price up a revamp of the shower room now . . .  Hmm, that didn't take long.  We went to B&Q and they had very little stock and high prices.  Back to the Internet now.  We did at least buy two new wall lights to go down in the old dairy (well the bit of it that was mum's bedsitting room).   The lights in there are very shabby and these are uplighters so will give better lighting.  Replacement ceiling lights are next.

I think this is Musk Mallow (found growing on a verge.  It's very common this time of year.)

Common Betony, above and below.  It grows prolifically along the verges round here.  Sometimes you find a white variant.

Common Knapweed - though I know them at Hardheads.

Yarrow (Achillea).  I bought a "tame" pinky one for the garden this week.

This is about the only survivor of a packet of pink Nasturtiums (I always like to try new colours in them though I have to say it is the yellow and the orange ones which are rampant and the other colours aren't very good at setting much seed).  I had some in a hanging basket but got every colour bar pink, so they're not exactly true to colour. 


  1. So sorry to hear about the prospective buyers - what a shame they couldn't just have sent the agent an email to let you know one way or the other so you knew what was going on.

    You must be very pleased with your new camera - the wild flower photos are lovely and great to see such a variety :)

    1. Delighted. I wanted a camera that took good close ups and this ticks that box, though tbh, the Finepix bridge camera takes better scenes I think. So I have that as a back up.

      We were sat at traffic lights leaving the M5 for Wotton yesterday and in a very small half-dessicated patch of ground inside the road barrier, I counted a dozen different wild flowers, and that was just the ones I could see from the passenger side. The wide verges beside the M5 were a mass of different species. Lovely.

      As for the formerly prospective buyers, well, we can do without that sort.

  2. Gorgeous photos ... so pretty.

    1. Thanks Shirl. I always curse the wasted photo opportunities when I am driving, so always try to give myself some time to take photos when we have fetched up somewhere new.

  3. I would love to see a picture of your house. I always feel sad when yet another viewer turns it down.

  4. I will take some for you Pat. It is a shame no-one seems to want it enough to buy it, although they all seem to fall in love with it when they are here. . . .

  5. Oh No I don't believe it!
    And I had fingers crossed too.
    Lovely pics of flowers. Driving along a busy road today there were some blue somethings - no idea what they were and no way to stop and look.

  6. What a beautiful blog you create. Thank you!
