

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 15 August 2017

A day out at St Fagans

We  visited St Fagans today (for a tour of Welsh vernacular architecture and social history) - I seem to have taken a fair few photos!  Here are a few to get started, as I just cannot sleep (yet again) despite having a couple of glasses of vino.  My brain is so buzzy and it's pointless laying in bed and making lists of "fings to do" in the house . . . of which there is a VERY long list, I might add. 

These first two photos were taken inside the red house below.  I love the pseudo flitches of bacon above the fireplace.  Note the snug box bed here too.

I managed to catch a sneaky photo of my friend Gay taking HER photo!  As you can see we were lucky with the weather (after getting soaked to the skin yesterday).

The "posh bed" upstairs, under its ceiling of knotted straw rope.

A shame I can't wipe out the figure in the background as this was such a peaceful little window on the world.

Back tomorrow with more photos as these are loading soooooooooo slowly tonight.  I am glad to say I am feeling better now I'm on half the dose of steroids and only 3 more days to go before I can knock them on the head completely and get on with life again.


  1. It's fabulous there! I vaguely remember that the house was that colour to deter witches.

    1. Our house name means "White Island" when translated from Welsh, but in the past it has been painted that same red, and it is currently yellow with us . . . I didn't know the bit about that colour deterring witches, but we have found shoes and a cat skull over doorways here, which were witch deterrants in the past.

  2. Looks a lovely house with so much history and interest - look forward to more photos and so pleased you are feeling better.

    1. More photos tomorrow, I promise. Defo. feeling brighter now - just need more than 4 hrs sleep a night!

  3. Replies
    1. If you get the chance to go, I know you would enjoy it. So much to see and so many different styles and periods of Welsh vernacular buildings.

  4. Love that header photo and meant to say how brilliant to get the lamp and then shade so perfectly matching.
    Looks an interesting place to visit

    1. Glad you like the header photo (I did too!!) I couldn't believe my luck with that lamp and shade.

  5. Thank you BB for this post and photos. I love the ox-blood red or pink (I guess it depends on the dilution of ox-blood - first slaughter your ox!) Welsh houses. We've stayed in and visited a few Welsh vernacular houses but I've never seen a knotted roof before. The blue and white china is beautiful. Looking forward to more photos, I really like your eye for seeing still lifes and thanks again for sharing. We're off to the Usk valley and Pembrokeshire soon - cannot wait.

    1. That looks like a 3 Ox mix to me Sarah!! I've never seen a knotted roof before but they obviously found this one had been done like that originally. I try and get photos which feel right to me. Sometimes it comes off but sometimes I am slipshod. We were in the Usk valley today and back next Monday to pick up our eldest daughter from the Green Man Festival. It's beautiful there. Enjoy Usk and Pembs. If you want to meet up for a piece of cake with us, shout out!

  6. What an interesting place to visit.. look forward to seeing some more photos.

    1. You will probably be sick of the photos by the time I've finished! LOTS more to come though.

  7. Hi I was born a few miles away from St Fagans and both of my grandfathers went to school there and we bought our first home very near. I have had a great trip down memory lane with this article thank you. When I was young I always wanted to taste the beautiful grapes that were grown in the green house and as a treat my husband bought me some and they were so sour we could not eat them! some things are best left as dreams sometime!!

  8. Hello!! I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited.Thank you.
