

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 31 August 2017

Complete and utter MAYHEM!

As you can see, I meant it when I said it was mayhem in our house the past couple of days.  Yesterday we had summoned the plumber to come and sort out the leaking pipes.  These were copper ones, about 15 years old, bought from a company we shan't ever use again, as the quality was so poor.  (In our defence, the builder made the decision to buy from this company as delivery was quick and they saved money).  However, we have had several leaks from these pipes in the last 18 months and spent a small fortune replacing them, and on paying a plumber to carry out the work.  All is now sorted, however, and this leak (which was in the middle of the kitchen wall) will start drying out now.

We had to replace the backing on the one fitted unit, as this had gone very mouldy and it was this which had been making my asthma bad in the last few weeks (no surprise when we found out there was mould).

You may have noticed that we now have a new kettle (needed) and a toaster (the grill is SO SLOW these days) used to paint the kitchen cupboard doors and that pine cupboard.  I just couldn't leave those behind as we needed them anyway.  Now the unit is back against the wall, a new worktop for it arrives tomorrow, and we will soon be tickety boo again.  I have managed to put most of the china and equipment away again now, after it being out for about 10 days (couldn't get the plumber here on a day when we were home before this).

If you look at the table in the photo, there is a very antiquated little orange lamp.  This belonged to Keith's mum, and reminds Keith of his childhood home, so it stays, but it is hidden behind my big charger in the sitting room, and when turned on, with this new colour on the walls, it looks amazing - like a little solar eclipse in the corner of the room!

It was also action stations in the shower room, and it is just as well we were replacing the ancient shower cubicle anyway, as a big chunk of tiling had to come down to check for rotting copper pipe behind it.  This will be the scene of action soon.  We will get the plumber back to help install the shower and then we can retile the shower and the floor.

This morning after breakfast, I set to and removed every book from the bookshelf, as it had to be moved out in order to paint behind it (two coats).  I also asked Keith to go through the books (mostly his) and sort out any he no longer wanted.  Many are there purely from habit.  I had gone through the antiques books a few weeks back and taken out a pile of old out-of-date Miller's Guides, and these will go to the charity shop.

Believe me, there were quite a few books in these many piles.  I definitely burned some calories shifting THESE!!  The new wall colour is Dulux's Copper Blush and is near to a true terracotta as we could get.  The colour shown in these photos is a few shades lighter than it actually is and makes the room look very warm and cosy.

Books back on shelves, and as you can see, some SPACE for the first time in years.  Many of the remaining books are reference books (antiques and militaria) and are staying.  We refer to them regularly.

Two boxes full of books to go. . .  The faded strip of carpet is going to be replaced, as we had half a roll left over and more than enough to replace the faded area.

A tidy, painted corner (well, just some filing on the chair).  The colour is more like the bottom left above my sewing basket.  NOT the orange it appears higher up (blame the flash).

Tomorrow I am off to a Quilt Festival in Bristol along with smallholding friend Dawn and other sewing friends.  I am really looking forward to it.  I am sure there will be LOTS (and lots) of photos in due course . . .


  1. Oh gosh BB and I thought my house was sin chaos.

  2. It is temporary. I have to keep telling myself this !!! When I have finished, I WILL know where everything is . . .

  3. These photos are giving me 'flashback' moments to our last several renovating projects. I think such upsets are most distressing in the kitchen which, for me at least, is the center of operations.
    I am so hopeful that getting rid of damp areas and the accompanying mildew will be of huge benefit in clearing your asthma and repeated infections.
    I think 'Copper Blush'will be warm and inviting, especially on a dark wintery day.

    1. The colour feels right. We have used an amber/tawny colour in there for quite a few years now, lightening it last time but it was a bit pale. This colour is warmer and looks lovely in the evening. As for the kitchen - the plumber hadn't bought any lunch and I struggled to even do him a round of toast and jam in the carnage that was my kitchen! It reminded me of when the floor was up and I was having to cook balanced on a couple of planks!

  4. Oh my goodness - nothing worse than having work done in the kitchen - so much stuff to move and store somewhere temporarily. Hope it is all finished soon and your asthma improves. Love the "Copper Blush" colour - so warm. Well done on clearing some books - I have just been putting 100's in charity bags - old paperback fiction and ancient non-fiction. Will be a wrench to see them go but many I haven't looked at in years and OH refuses to let me have even more bookcases!! Enjoy the Quilt Festival.

    1. RR - the kitchen is the hub of the house and it's hard to cope without it! OR no water anywhere except in the attic!

      Glad you like the Copper Blush - it is the colour we should have had there all along. Our book dealer friend didn't want the books today so we shall do a couple of car boot sales and try and rehome them, if not, then off to the charity shop.

      Quilt Festival report in due course. It was a great day out.

  5. Our kitchen needs things doing to it - but I'm putting them off for as long as possible

    1. I don't blame you Sue. It's not so bad if you can do it a bit at a time, but a complete refit is hard to cope with.

  6. Lol, the phoyos of your kitchen reminded me of my hallway before. Looked like a bomb had hit it with stuff everywhere.
    Thankfully mine was from giving my big bedroom a good clean and not the result of a leak or a costly job.

    Was the complany you bought the cheapo piping from screwfix? Only i have seen a few comments regarding this company recently and all negative.
    We have bought a few odd things in the past off them but only bolts etc. All good , so far.

    Hope the chaos in your home has eased. And hope you can find stuff later!

    1. I didn't realize how much we had stashed under the sink either! I can only surmise I stashed it away very artfully! We all have too much stuff, but it's difficult hardening our hearts and getting rid. How did you guess - yes it was Screwfix. I think all you can say is you get what you pay for . . .

  7. I love your new wall nice with dark woods...and books! The work may seem slow, but you are definitely gaining ground. :~)

  8. Hi Chip - glad you like it too. It IS slow going, but I am enjoying a break from it and will return to it with gusto in the next couple of days, though I can't get the last wall finished until our son comes over and helps move a couple of hefty pieces of furniture.
