

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 13 August 2017

I passed the Vet

Just a quick update to say that after speaking to the OOH Doc yesterday, she wanted to see me.  Then when we got down there, she suggested I might have a Pulmonary Embolism, so wanted a whole raft of tests done - bloods, X-ray and ECG.  I am glad to say that whilst we had quite a wait (because of having to sit around for the bloods to be analyzed) I finally got told that I had no chest infection, that there was just the slightest whisper of a crackle on one lung (Pleurisy symptoms) and that the pain I was getting round my chest (tight band) was muscular.  I was very relieved to be told it was this and NOT a Pulmonary Embolism or a heart attack!  I just have to take paracetamol up to 4 times a day to control the pain around the diaphragm which is what stopped me from doing much.  Last night I then managed six solid hours' sleep - the most I've had in three weeks now - and I felt better today.  I'm stepping down off the steroids too and will be glad to take the last one!

A good night's sleep enabled me to cope with a busy morning walking round two car boot sales and then doing the grocery shopping.  The bootsales were very worthwhile, as I got some bits for the house (a lovely table lamp which I then found exactly the right shade for in The Range later) and some stock too.  My Fitbit tells me I have walked over 21,000 steps today (nearly 14Km apparently!).  I shall be relaxing the next 3 days, now my friend Gay is here.  It's lovely to have her down here again and I am looking forward to showing her a few new places.  Tomorrow we are off to Cross Patch (patchwork and x-stitch shop) at Newcastle Emlyn, then down to Cenarth Falls for a pub lunch. 

So, I was mending anyway by the sound of things but the side-effects of the steroids haven't been helping me in the long run as you need to sleep to heal - and relax properly.  The more stressed you get, it has a knock-on effect on the asthma too. 

Photos of some of my buys today to follow.


  1. Nice to be reminded of Cenarth Falls - we used to holiday a lot in that area when our son was young. In those days there used to be a Coracle maker lived nearby.

  2. I'll take some photos for you Pat, but it's raining so they won't be very bright ones. Hopefully we will manage a (muddy!) walk up by the river.
