

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 3 August 2017

Stopped in my tracks

Another picture from the National Botanic Gardens - so colourful. 

Well, I have now discovered why I have been feeling rough this week and felt like I'd been hit with a pick-axe on Wednesday - during the night it became fairly obvious I have Pleurisy again, so that explains why my inhalers weren't controlling my asthma.  I feel the familiar tight band around my ribs and under my shoulder.  Of course, this coincides with a working day, and another very long working day on Sunday as it's the Carmarthen Fleamarket then.  No option to pull out of either.  Hopefully I can get a Dr's appt. late this afternoon but I shall speak to him this morning and see what he says.  There is always a spare course of a-b's in the cupboard just in case.

Still, I suppose I have "something" now which is better in a way, rather than my asthma just failing to respond to its medication, but I could Do Without It!!


  1. Feel better soon! I carry extra ab's as well as prednisone when I travel, just in case. Complications with asthma is never fun....

    1. Glad to say I managed to get a Doc's appt. and am on Doxycycline a/b's and, sigh, another course of steroids. Hopefully the latter can be stopped after a few days if it all works together.

  2. Oh no, no wonder you are feeling rough. I hope you get through the working days without any extra problems

    1. I wondered why I felt so carp on Wednesday - just COULDN'T stay awake and my brain felt like I'd been poleaxed. That must have been the infection getting its teeth sunk in. I am resting up tomorrow so should be OK to sit around and talk (!!!) on Sunday.

  3. That sounds painful. Feel better soon and take care.

    1. I have to say, it can be. It's bad enough when it's just starting up - feels like someone is pulling a cheesewire tight around your ribs - I'd hate to ever get to the really bad stage. People used to die from it (sepsis would set in and then abscesses on their ribs/lungs etc.

  4. Could it just be that you are working too hard BB - and that is why you keep going down with these illnesses. Perhaps you need a break - it is always a strain trying to sell a house.

    1. Ah, you wise lady you! Someone else said exactly the same thing at the Wee Flea today - said Keith and I needed a holiday!! The anxiety over the house hasn't helped either. Or trying to persuade Someone we need to upgrade the shower . . .

  5. Pleurisy sounds horrible. I was wondering the same thing as Weaver. You are doing so much and although it is lovely to be busy I wonder if you should sit back and try and relax in your beautiful home and garden whenever you have a chance. We are house-hunting and I like to see a house well-lived in so clutter and a bit of untidiness does not put me off.

    1. I am not a very tidy person normally (I half killed myself with the Perfect Home housework before we had that viewing as I had so little time to prepare the house (a day and a half's notice). I know I've been overdoing things recently, but we have to make the most of selling opportunities and August is always a busy month. Getting up at 3.30 a.m. to go to Malvern takes us about 3 days to get over.

  6. Do hope you feel better soon. Reading your blog you always seem so busy and I did wonder along with others above if you are doing too much and not relaxing enough.

    1. I would LOVE a holiday, not just the couple of nights away we get each year. A fortnight somewhere scenic. We're not ones for lazing on beaches, but it would be nice to have time to explore and enjoy, and just look at a fabulous view. Ain't gonna happen this year again.

      I will try to relax more, but I am a busy person by nature. This house is just TOO BIG now, and the garden is hard to keep on top of.


  7. nice article great post comment information thanks for sharing
