

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 6 August 2017

The end of a long day

I survived today.  Lord knows how, as of course I had a steroid sleep - e.g. less than 4 hours.  I was still awake at 12.20 a.m., got up for the loo around 3, and then woke for the day at 4.45 - 3/4 hour before the alarm was due to go off.  To say I started the day at the Fleamarket somewhat bejeebered is an understatement.  I could only walk at a snail's pace and felt like I was 95!  But then the steroids kicked in and I coped better, and enjoyed chatting to our friends down there, as well as customers old and new.  It was a 12 hour day so I am looking forward to my bed tonight . . .

Here is the de-china'd bathroom shelf.  The two seabirds were my friend Annie's and her daughter gave them to me when we were clearing her mum's house, so they remind me of Annie.  The yacht and the fish light came from the Range yesterday.

Here is a swiftly-taken and slightly blurry photo of the Cranberry and Marzipan cake before it got handed round at the Fleamarket today.  Definitely one to make again, and I won't scorch the top next time.  Recipe tomorrow, I promise.

Here was my treat from me, to me.  A battered old French enamel stew pan bought from my friend Ann, who is always stalled out opposite us.    This is my dye pan.  I will give it a good scrub tomorrow.   I've just been exploring the internet for dyeing with Golden Rod, and am going to have a go with this in the next few days.


  1. Hi BB have you been speaking to Pam she seems to have the dye and spinning bug at the moment. Bathroom shelf looks lovely. I have several seaside bits in my bathroom which needs revamping. Just waiting for the start of Poldark. Catch ee later. pp x

    1. Yes, Pam's been getting some wonderful results with her dyeing experiments. She and Dawn do SO much crafting, but now the summer is nearing its end hopefully I can get some more crafting done too.

      Two more seaside bits from The Range came home with me today - a little seagull and a small lighthouse, which fill the bare bit on top of the kitchen cupboard perfectly.

  2. Lovely bathroom shelf and cake looks scrumptious so recipe when you get chance would be good :) Will be interesting to hear how your dyeing goes as we have loads of golden rod in flower at the moment - seems to have taken over half the herbaceous border!!

    1. Recipe up now RR. Glad you like the bathroom shelf. I have two patches of Golden Rod and one is going over, so I shall pick and stew tomorrow . . .

  3. Hi BB have you been speaking to Pam she seems to have the dye and spinning bug at the moment.

