

Jennie's recipes

Monday 9 October 2017

A very busy weekend at the Fair - Day 1

Our weekend began on Friday morning, when we packed up the car ready to go to the National Botanic Gardens Antiques Fair.  The afternoon was spent setting up our stand, which is a long one between pillars, and yet there never seems to be enough room!!

We managed to squeeze in a little furniture at one end, but no-one seemed particularly interested in furniture this time, so we took all the bigger pieces back on Saturday night, to avoid having to make two trips home with stuff the next day.

It was busy for most of Saturday, but in the late afternoon I managed to have a wander round in a quiet period, and found this wonderful Welsh dragon, taking a nap in the grounds.

Above and below: the plantings go right on into late autumn with beautiful colours.  Enjoy.  LOVE the first Dahlia.

A view across to the lake, with a woven willow bull guarding it.

Beautiful but deadly - Monkshood, with its deep blue flowers.

There was a temporary Mews to one side of the walled gardens, and 6 or 8 birds of prey (and owls) were on display, and there were regular flying displays, and other birds were taken out so that people could see them close hand and ask questions.

Close up of a Red Kite.  They are so beautiful.

The little Barn Owl.  I think he was called Allen . . .

Lastly, a beautiful Kestrel.  I have seen very few of these in our part of Wales - I think I have only seen them along the coast between Burry Port and Llanelli.  I dare say they are out there, but locally is it Sparrowhawks, Buzzards and of course Red Kites who we see most of.

We had an early night as Keith was off to Malvern Fleamarket very early next day, and I had a lift in to the Fair. 


  1. Your stand looks so inviting :) Love the dahlia and birds of prey photos. The dragon is wonderful - must show my son that photo.

  2. Bargain hunt today was from the Botanical gardens filmed earlier this year - didn't spot your stand.
    Lovely photos of the birds of prey - kestrel is the bird most seen here and then Buzzards
