

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 28 October 2017

Hay at Halloween

Yesterday we were in Hay.  Of course, I had my trusty camera with me, so here are a few of the photos taken on an amble round the town.  This creamy ginger cat was so friendly.

The short cut down behind the shop - originally an ironmongers - but now it stocks all sorts, including this selection of large wicker baskets for wood, and it has a fab kitchen shop inside too.

Our friend M's shop, The End.  It always has a wonderful collection of really unusual things inside.

Aren't those Nautilus shells lovely?  The window display had lots of Physalis (Chinese Lanterns) in it.

Upstairs, this taxidermy lion's head was wearing a pretty wreath of flowers.  M was telling me how she dares the children to put their hand in the lion's mouth!!

A stuffed Duck.  No home should be without one!

Pretty leaves in the pub wall, where most of the larger Virginia Creeper leaves had already blown away.

Above and below: at the shop which sells all sorts of wonderful crystals, were these little houses and duck pond, and there was a good selection of Green Man faces on the wall. I had a wonder round inside, but as always, got a bit overwhelmed by the room which is full of crystals - you are bombarded with energies!

Above and below:  the view across the car park to the beautiful hills beyond.

Coming back through the Backfold cut, and about to order lunch at the little Sandwich Cellar there, I stopped to take a photo of the display outside the Flower shop.

Above and below: Hay is still about Book Shops, and here is the window display in one of our favourite shops, opposite the Castle.

I just loved this Bookhouse!


  1. I love meeting friendly cats when I'm out and about!

    1. I was trying to take its photo, then it spotted me and I had to back almost into the road to take his pic! Daughter Tam is friends with the station cat at Craven Arms too!! That's where she changes trains and he is quite often there, waiting to befriend someone.

  2. What a beautiful town. The flower shop looks like the one you have taken a photo of before.
    Just wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. I must get myself along to Hay. It looks my kind of place. Have you ever been to the Greenman shop in Tintern?

    1. You would love Hay, Aril. We haven't been to Tintern for many a long year, but I can see a return visit is now going to be on the books!

  4. Hay always looks so good, reminds me we need a Green Man to watch over our new mini wood. I left the one we had at the smallholding.

    1. Sue - we only have a couple of Green Men, but when we go to churches and cathedrals, always look out for them, lurking in dark corners. You definitely need a new one for your new home and woodland.

  5. Thanks for the tour! Sadly I didn't make it to Hay on my trip to Wales. I long to return and see all the places I missed. I noted with interest the copies of "Kilvert's Diary" in the shop window. Just this past week I was thrilled and amazed to find a lovely hard bound copy here in the states. It has been on my to buy list for some time. Thanks for the enjoyable post!

  6. Hello Pat. What a shame you didn't make it to Hay, but I bet it is top of the list for "next time". I am so pleased you found a copy of Kilvert's Diary in the States, you are going to LOVE IT, and read it again and again, as I have done. You feel as if you are one of his neighbours when you read it.

  7. Wonderful photos and town. Love all those Green Men - one day I will really visit although I noticed on another blog I read that there are less book shops there - they have been turned into cafes etc. Oh and I too want one of those book houses! Just noticed your reply above about Kilvert's Diary - I have a copy but am ashamed to say I have never got round to reading it! Will rectify that when I have finished re-reading Dorothy Wordsworth's journals.

  8. RR - I can remember reading Dorothy Wordsworth's journals in my early 20s. I am inclined to think she put up with a lot from William . . .

    You will LOVE Kilvert's Diaries and be heading for Clyro (and Hay) hot foot!

    Whilst there are fewer bookshops now in Hay, it is still a lovely town to visit.

  9. Oh my! That shop is The LIVING End, just my kind of place, BB!

  10. Better visit quickly then Lou, as I think she is retiring in the not too distant future.
