

Jennie's recipes

Monday 23 October 2017

Visit to Malvern Autumn Quilt Festival

Above and below: some of the entries from the ladies of the WI, theme WW1 of course.  The one above was my favourite in this category.

This made me smile and the little quilt flapping on the line was 3-D.

Beautiful applique (there was plenty on show) and a nice combination with the traditional patchwork.

How pretty is this, and beautifully appliqued.

Points everywhere - very skilfully executed, though the border didn't do it for me.

Above and below: I particularly liked this little hanging, which was of the leaves of (Winter?) Heliotrope.  I liked the worded paper leaves, and the embroidered/embellished background material, and the leaves were hand-painted.   The words printed around the outside was also a clever idea.  My favourite piece in the show.  Cleverly planned and executed. 

LOVED the border on this quilt especially - how long did this take to make, as it was perfection . . .  Had a soft spot for the Pineapple Log Cabin block, since this is what I am working on at the moment.

A close up of the quilting on a whole-cloth quilt.  How perfectly even is THAT quilting?  I may as well give up now!!

LOVED this quilt too, especially for its floral bits.  Beautifully designed and worked.

Right, this won't do.  I am off to see my friend Dawn now, so back later . . .


  1. We had the Ceredigion area meeting of the Quilters Guild in the hall across the road from us on Saturday. Had to tell off a cheeky person who parked their car at the side of our house, in front of the big gate, without asking. Honestly, manners!Lol!

  2. Oh just seem you are off the see Dawn, hope you had a lovely time.

  3. Yes I did - an intensive Lesson 2 in Lacemaking. It made sense at the end! I will need to do some more later or it will leave my head though! It suddenly occurred to me today, it wasn't as easy as Lesson 1 by a long way.

    Sorry you had an inconsiderate person parking in front of your gates. You'll have to put up a No Parking sign.

  4. Goodness - aren`t they stunning? I would never have the patience but I do admire the fine work and the sheer creativity behind these lovely quilts.

  5. There are some very skilled and dedicated quilt makers out there. Did your WI group have that same WW1 wallhanging challenge?
