

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Patchwork class today

Yesterday I did a little homework on my red and white lap quilt, as I have my class this afternoon (and I will miss next week's as I am away in Southampton for a couple of days).  There was one block left over, so I have made it up into a cushion front.  I need to get the back on today (just an envelope one, for speed). 

I also sewed on the last strip onto the top - here it is laid out across a bed.  I went in search of some backing material, and that resulted in a huge sort out in the Junk Room as I was fed up with my crafting stuff being not in one place (now all WIP's and recent material in one big container) and with tripping over stock in cardboard boxes, so I had a sort out of some of that too, but I need more heavyweight containers - we bought two on Monday, but need a few more, ideally, to get everything tidied away and stackable.

I woke early again today - the Tawny Owls in the paddock were calling to one another and saying where the best mice were to be found in the long grass.

On the seed feeders outside, the first of the Goldfinches has returned (to the front one in the apple tree) and the Chaffinches are back out of the woodland too.  I noticed a female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker on the Damson Tree feeder yesterday so I will try and get a photo.

Enjoy your day - I need to do some accounts now!


  1. I would so love to hear the Tawny Owls calling to one another! Your patchwork is lovely.

  2. Thanks Chip. I am sure that somewhere on the Internet, you can find a recording of the Tawny Owls chatting . . .
