

Jennie's recipes

Friday 24 November 2017

Winter landscape in our valley

We had a real frost this morning and it has only just warmed up sufficiently for me to think of having a wander up the hill behind the house.  The photos actually show the walk in reverse, but hey-ho, I am sure you will get the general idea.

This is Black Mountain (Bannau Sir Gar on maps) glimpsed through branches on a field edge which has recently been established.  There was a small corner of copse, above the road, which has been removed and an approach to a field put in.  It gives a great view up and across the valley.

The view directly across of the farm next to us and you can just see a corner of our old farmhouse (looking creamy yellow) in front of the farm buildings.

The pond in the top field - stocked with fish and a great place for wildlife.

As you can see, there was a lot of river mist up along our valley today - only just starting to clear now that the sun is dissipating it.

I went along the farm track aa short way to get these photos.  The sheep looked glad to be thawing out . . .

Black Mountain above the mist.

I chose not to go on up the really steep bit of the hill.

Atmospheric - trees (and lone sheep) silhouetted against the skyline.

The big old  tree which is on the edge of our land.  A big branch has broken off (it is a dieing tree) but got snagged higher up so no fire wood from that until it falls.

View across the valley from our field.

The first bend away from the house, where I regularly see a gang of Long Tailed Tits.

Trees against the winter sky.

View from the kitchen window - what I didn't capture was all the raindrops on the twigs.

Sorry for so few words but I have slept badly this week and am feeling a tad jaded.  We have a busy weekend ahead, and I wanted to get a post up whilst I could.


  1. Fab photos BB. We are SO lucky living where we do.x

    1. The sun being out made for good photos today Louise. It has been so dull recently it was hardly worth taking the camera out of the house. We are so lucky, living in such a beautiful part of the world.

  2. Love the mist hanging low in the valleys. Hope the weekend goes well buying or selling?

    1. Selling - 3 days in a row. Wish us luck. Just hoping I don't get pneumonia stood around in the cold, especially tomorrow which is outside.

  3. BB - no need for words - just glorious winter scenery - I love bare trees. And I love Black Mountain - haven't seen it for afew years.

    1. It was lovely out there today. We have a lot of ash trees in our neck of the woods, so they lost their leaves early. Mainly the beeches and a few hazels still with them on.

  4. This looks like a beautiful hike. The river mist makes everything look muted and calm, very pretty. By the way, I just came over from Weaver's place.. I enjoy your blog!

    1. Hi Devon and welcome. It wasn't far, just up the hill and back, but good to get some fresh air. Glad you enjoy the blog, and I hope you will visit again.

  5. Stunning photos BB. Especially the ones with wintery trees and rising mist.

    1. It was so lovely I just had to have a stroll and get the bigger picture from the top of the hill.

  6. I love your photos of the mist, those trees especially. Hope you feel better.

    1. Glad you loved the photos. Trees look wonderful in the winter.

  7. What a beautiful post today. It has lifted my spirits and now I want to be a tourist again right now.
    Winter beauty !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Seems like I did the right post today! Glad you enjoyed it and it lifted your spirits.

  8. I clicked on your post and thought I must go up my hill - over a busy A road and across the golf course - and five minutes from home I am walking in an area of outstanding natural beauty and not a soul to be seen and a beautiful sliver of a silvery moon to guide me. I came home through the churchyard and down chapel hill where there is yet another bit of garden grabbing going on in my semi-rural village. I yearn to be free of the crowded south east so much, even though I know in my corner everyone is so busy money-making they never do anything as prosaic as step out of their front door for a walk. Thank you for the walk BB actual and literal, if you know what I mean!

    1. Our busy main road is 3 miles away (so's the nearest shop!!) At least you have that wonderful walk just 5 minutes away and have it all to yourself too. Thank you I did enjoy reading about your walk as well. I hope you can get down our way again in the spring. (We must meet up!!)

  9. Thanks for the walk...beautiful scenery. I especially love the atmospheric picture with the tree...lovely!

    1. Glad you enjoyed my short walk. I had just the right weather for that atmospheric pic.
