

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 16 December 2017

A Jaunt up to Leominster

Yesterday, Keith and I decided to have a day out to shake off the winter blues, so we headed for Leominster, which is about 80 miles from here.  It takes a couple of hours as the road from Llandovery to Brecon is very bendy and sometimes you get stuck behind someone who is Slow (often an old farmer with a trailer full of sheep going to market).  Anyway, I thought you might like to see a few photos.  This window display was an excellent one (but they sold nothing we could afford to buy!).

From another shop, a few inside photos.  Repurposed Euphonium anyone?

Now, I have one of these slipware dishes, and my price is a lot less than £88!

A nice little primitive Irish child's chair.

Hmmm, despite the asking price we are inclined to think this is a marriage.  The seat doesn't have enough wear and the top comb rail looks a bit newish too. . . 

Now that's what you CALL a dresser!  A great display of things on it too (love the breadboards).

These playful foals are still there.  I loved them last year, and still love them, but at £425 they won't be coming home with me, however rare and desirable they are.

A corner of the market.

Finally for today, where we had lunch.  We both had cheese and ham toasties, and very tasty they were too.  We had a wander round the antiques side of things but not much to tempt us in there.


  1. Now that's just the sort of dresser I would like - might need a bigger house! I even have the beginnings of the bread board collection = 4.
    Surely ALL roads in Wales are bendy!

    1. Apart from the occasional strip of Roman Road (though that usually heads off into the wilds! The gold mines one shoots off the A40 and disappears. I must explore it one of these days.)

      It's a cracking dresser but you would need a BIG kitchen to accommodate it.

  2. Love the corner of the Market with all the plants.
    When my son was at Cambridge I went for a visit and to help bring him back home. I was able to walk around the town in the cold with all the stalls before Christmas. A dream come true.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Cambridge is so amazing what ever time of year you visit. I'm glad you got there (and clever son). I would love to go there again, especially at Christmas.

  3. What a lovely colourful place Leominster is and the market looks great.

    1. It's a nice town. We go there once or twice a year. Going back next week, and then on to Ludlow for lunch.

  4. Replies
    1. We like our days out. We get fed up with seeing our own four walls, especially on the dull grey days of January, and always have an outing then.

  5. Oh gosh - I do love that dresser :) Super photos. Have driven through Leominster a few times in recent years but it is many many years since I wandered round the town.

    1. It's worth stopping to explore. This time we found bits of it we hadn't been to before.

  6. Love the dresser, we had a huge one in the family home. I think that it must have been around 18' wide, it was built in and was cavernous.

    1. Sounds like your dresser had the house built around it! Bet it's still there. I am pleased to have two small ones instead of the one bigger one I had for many years.

  7. In an antique shop here you can buy a coffee table made from the engine cowl of a Lightning fighter for a mere £2000

    1. Hah - I doubt that will fly out at that price!! (Sorry Simon, couldn't resist that pun!)

  8. It's a nice town....

  9. Love the corner of the Market with all the plants.Thank you for this your broadcast provided bright clear concept.

