

Jennie's recipes

Monday 11 December 2017

A Snowy Walk

As you can see from the new header photo (Black Mountain in the snow) there has been a significant fall further East.  It is just as well we didn't decide to chance our arm and head for Malvern in the middle of the night yesterday, as the A40 was blocked near Halfway by a fallen tree (which crushed the back of someone's motorhome) and Sennybridge was cut off under just over a foot of snow (32 cm). 

I thoroughly enjoyed my walk today - I got Keith to drop me off about 1 1/2 miles away (uphill) towards Horeb, so I could get the best photos of the snowy scenery, especially Black Mountain.  WHEN I can load them, there are lots of beautiful scenes.

There will be more photos later, but these are loading SO slowly (I presume the cold is affecting the phone lines).  The scene above shows the hills to the right of Black Mountain - they will have Brynamman behind them, out of sight.  Below is sun on snow, looking across a field higher up, above the snow line.  I hope to add some more later.


  1. Beautiful photos of the snow and landscape. Do hope all goes well with your heart monitor results.

    1. Well, as an ex-nurse friend said, if there was anything seriously wrong, they would have been in touch already. Plus, I strode out today and whilst I just went steadily up our (steep) hill I didn't feel faint, or collapse in a heap. Must be a positive.

  2. Wonderfully snowy scenes - better than a lot of Christmas card photos

    1. Thanks Sue. The light was so good today with bright sunshine, and well, the scenery is SO lovely round here it's hard to take a bad photograph.

  3. Beautiful landscapes. Hope you walked home briskly and weren't out in the cold too long. Did I spot you on BH today selling a candlestick holder decorated with straw? Guilty pleasure as I've been working from home as I made my husband drive to work instead of his usual cycle. (We share a car as our 24-year-old son drives to work in our second car.) We had a flurry of snow at lunchtime but right now it is wet and very cold.

    1. Yes! That was moi! From what I was told, it bombed at auction which I'm not surprised about. Would you like my autograph now?!!!

      Working from home is the best thing in weather like this.

  4. Beautiful photographs BB. I especially loved Black Mountain - or should I rename it White Mountain?

  5. It certainly is at the moment Pat. There's a fair covering of snow on it - nearby Sennybridge had a good foot of snow and was cut off.

  6. Replies
    1. Wouldn't be do to be camping out in the Brecon Beacons right now!! Frosty overnight here, and I have been cwtched up against the radiator.

  7. Your new header picture is breathtaking! I admire your determination to walk even on a snowy day. I have a personal goal of walking 365 days, no matter what the weather. Today was the 165th day without a miss. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Snowy days are GOOD for walking (and photos too). Everything looks so different and you notice things you don't on a normal dull-lit winter's day. Good for you to walk every day like that - what our bodies were made for. I need to do the same, having had my heart scare and the Doc saying not to push myself with hills etc, I have been wary of going out . . .

    2. That sounds sad, but we live half way up a steep hill, so every walk I take involves what I was meant to be avoiding!

  8. Gosh it looks cold but beautiful. Admire your will to get out and walk, don't slip over though!

    1. The lanes were OK yesterday - a little ice in places but the hill I walked down will be like the Cresta Run this morning as there was a good trickle of melt water down the sides and we had a goodly frost last night. Hopefully "our" hill will be ok, especially as it has farm traffic up and down it.

  9. Beautiful landscape blanketed in snow...lovely! Merry Christmas!
