

Jennie's recipes

Friday 8 December 2017

Cat fight!!

We are down to five cats now - after several old ones died close together in the past couple of years.  This is Theo, who came here as a stray. (As did they all in fact, or children of strays).  Theo is a softy - a real walkover, and although he likes to occasionally think he is Top Cat, he suffers from delusions of grandeur!  For some reason (perhaps that very one) he was involved in fisticuffs with ginger and white Alfie today.  I heard the cat fight to end all cat fight, snarls and growls and furniture being knocked into in the kitchen, and rushed in there to find them locked in mortal combat: Alfie with his jaws locked around/into Theo's neck and Theo with his teefs sunk into one of Alfie's back paws.  I stepped in and dragged them apart and Theo fled the scene, blood dripping from one ear.  Alfie limped away with dignity.  Theo ran and hid under our bed for a while, and then disappeared until his tummy was rumbling, when he came downstairs again, looking very nervy. I fed him and made him up a little den on top of my favourite pine cupboard, and behind the barricade of my music centre.  I think he feels safe up there.  I shall leave a kitchen light on for a few nights so there are no run-ins between him and Alfie.

I think what possibly happened is that Theo flew in through the cat flat, as he sometimes does, and there may have been one of the hungry toms around at some point in the day, putting Alf on his guard, and he assumed Theo was one of them, as he really was going for him, it wasn't playground fun and games.

Anyway, as the winter weather has arrived with a vengeance, and before it gets worse, I stripped the bed today and put on our new flannelette duvet set.  We bought it last week as a joint Christmas present to and from ourselves, when we were in Dunelm.  I have to say, flannelette has come a LONG way from the pastels and stripes I remember from my childhood (I think there are still some stripey sheets at the bottom of the pile in the airing cupboard). This looks so warm, and that Paisley pattern is gorgeous in the deep red.  I can't wait to get to bed tonight now!

The top for Gabby's quilt.  I need to iron it and then start pinning the sandwich together.  Let's hope I can finish it (and Tam's) in time.


  1. Poor torn ear. My two (neither here any longer) loved each other but used to do something we called combat bathing, a bath that would evolve into a fight. One tooks a bit out of the other's ear and seemed to slink around in guilt for a week.

    My two cats, neither around any more, used to do something we called combat bathing, a mutual bath that would evolve into a fight. One took a bit out of his friend's ear and slunk around looking guilty for a week. Lovely flannel set.

    1. The two brothers, Alfie and Little Whale, do that regularly. Someone gets a bit rough and then they have a tussle, but usually nothing quite as full-on as this spat. "Combat bathing" pretty well sums up the brother-love thing!!

  2. Cat behaviour is a mystery to me! I miss my parents having cats so much.

  3. I have a couple of flannelette bottom sheets for our bed, kept especially for the coldest winter months. I bought them in Heals along with our new cherrywood bed in 1996 after the birth of our second child. This replaced my original wooden bed which was made by a carpenter friend and which is now slept in by our son. Your headboard is gorgeous (is it Welsh? It looks to me as if it may be French?) and the red bed linen looks so cosy. And the pinwheel quilt is coming on beautifully. I've hand sewn 24 pinwheels this week (finished size 6 and three-quarter inches), but this is my winter project so no pressure. Theo looks very content in his safe den. Does Alfie have a safe place somewhere else?

    1. Our bed is a Gothic one we bought through Ebay - a company in Herefordshire, who delivered by courier. Mattress similar way. This was probably made in the Far East, and there were a couple of faults (hence being sold off cheaper than usual) but we have no problems with it. Mind you, even though we have a very generous wide and shallow staircase, we only just got it up there as it is a tall headboard.

      Alfie and the others sleep on the chairs, as a rule. I'm glad our pinwheel quilt is doing well - and hand-sewn too. Well done.

  4. Humphrey is a big scaredy cat and is kept in check by Sophie cat next door. He stays in or creeps around when the coast is clear. You wouldn't think he's a great big bruiser of a cat from that would you!

    1. Our Ghengis is a different character since his "trip to the vet's"! He used to be SUCH a bully, but now he has dropped right down the pecking order. He is now a Lap Cat and considers me to be his property!
