

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 28 December 2017

Time to hibernate

Above and below: we finally got around to making a pretty wreath yesterday.  I had cut some honeysuckle back at the front gate, and that made a lovely base for this wreath.  The ivy we cut on a walk along by the river just before Christmas, along with the dried Hogweed flowers and tree ferns.  I will save the base of this one and remake it up for each season.  I think it's one of the prettiest we ever made, all down to Tam's creative hands.

The weather has gone from being very mild to being darn chilly and our planned beach walk yet again got abandoned yesterday when it came on to snow as we were driving into town!  Time to hibernate, methinks, during January and catch up on all those jobs that need doing in the house.

Now is the time to use up the leftovers.  This is Tam's tasty Parsnip soup, which has grated fresh ginger in it.  We seem to have a vat full!  I have cooking bacon to use up and some left-over cooked veg so will make Minestrone soup and hope I can squish some into the freezer.  That is pretty full after we got some reduced meats at the supermarket yesterday.  We have plenty to take us a couple of weeks or more into the New Year now.

This was my Christmas present from all the family.  I got up early on Boxing Day morning to find out how to use it and have been working on the border for my Twister table topper, and am now doing the binding.  As you can see, the little squares cut out of the Twister pattern are then used to form the border with the cream sprig material.  It's a lovely machine to use.  I have given my old one to Tam, as she doesn't have a decent one but had been "making do". 

Today we have half-planned to go and have a walk around Carmarthen Fleamarket.  This is the one we normally sell at, but this particular venue has been going downhill for the past 18 mths.  Plenty of people through, but they keep their hands in their pockets, which pretty well defeats the object of us traders going and setting up.  It is a long day for us - up early to be in the queue to get in around 6.30 a.m. (gates open for us traders to set up an hour later), setting up - and at this time of year the big agricultural barn it is held in is like a freezer.  I cancelled on the grounds of the winter temperatures in there and no buyers.  It is better for us to be in heated indoor venues, and at Fairs where people actually come prepared to buy something . . .

Right, I have a loaf in the Panny so had better go and see if it is ready yet.


  1. I think I would rather stay at home then stand around in a freezing barn. Lucky you to get such a marvellous present, happy sewing days and enjoy having your children around in the house.

    1. I'm done with freezing barns Thelma. My health is more important. I put a third of the money towards the Janome, but there was a deal on it so it was about £70 cheaper AND had the quilting plate as a bonus. It was lovely having the children here, although Danny and Gabby couldn't stay longer due to work commitments.

  2. I think it is time to hibernate indeed. It sounds like you could do with some rest and stay warm. Your wreath is so beautiful <3

    1. January is my catch up month usually. I have a list of jobs to do as long as my arm! Some rest time too though - and sewing counts as rest as I will be sitting down . . .

  3. Love the wreath, I had my eye on my little holly tree and some Cotoneaster for red berries to adorn a wreath but just couldn't bring myself to cut them. You've set me off with the parsnip soup, I like some toasted and crushed cumin and coriander seeds in mine along with the ginger. Lovely new sewing machine.

    1. It is a pretty wreath. Plenty of holly around here, but not ONE berry. I refuse to believe that they are ALL male trees . . . Parsnip soup is so warming - will try it with the toasted cumin and coriander seeds next time.

  4. Wow lovely wreath. I have a bay tree in the garden, ivy in the garden and a big holly bush in the front garden but did not get the time this year to actually form a door wreath. It is the way the cookie crumbles but yours looks lovely. We have walked most days with Missy but it has been extremely bitter but a little bit of exercise and fresh cold air made us feel all the warmer when we got in. We are now through the leftovers and its back to the cooking again. Never mind have had a few days off. So glad about your sewing machine and that table topper is lovely. Enjoy using xx

    1. Glad you have got your walks in. The weather here has not been encouraging, but in the New Year I am determined to walk every day, whatever the skies are chucking down at us! We are still on leftovers, and I made a fab stirfry last night - just an ounce or so of chopped lamb but a big bag of M&S pea sprout stirfry mix, chilli, mange tout and mini-sweetcorn. Yum!

  5. Your wreath is lovely and what a wonderful sewing machine !
    Your weather makes it a great time to hibernate and get somethings done. I do that when our summer days are so hot we stay inside and work.

    1. Rarely does it get so hot here that we need to retreat indoors (though when we do the thick stone walls guarantee a cool house). I am thrilled with my sewing machine, I have to say. I have always had to settle for the cheapest in the past.

  6. What a pretty wreath - it really is lovely. Love the Christmas present from the family - you will get so much pleasure from using it :) Using up leftovers here too - you can't beat homemade soup :)

    1. We always have a home-made one, and base it on the beauty of our local hedgerows. I shall be soup making in a moment, a different batch (for the freezer) this time - a hearty Minestrone.

  7. Our temperatures have remained below freezing all day, so I was oh-so-tempted to hibernate the day away, but no...Millie dog wouldn't hear of it, so we were up-and-at-'em and over the hill just like always. There are so many lovely things to admire in this post. I especially love the quilt. And, the new, you must be thrilled!

    1. We are fortunate as our country would be pretty cold all winter were it not for the Gulf Stream. As it is, we sometimes get some really cold spells (2010 was one) in Al Nino years, which this is one too. Good for you getting out with Millie dog each day.

      I hope to finish that Twister table topper this weekend. The Janome is amazing - after my very basic Singer.
