

Jennie's recipes

Friday 1 December 2017

Winter sunrise - and then there was Soup!

More photos later - but the new header took 10 minutes to load so I am waiting for things to speed up a bit.  Oh, and for BT to connect the length of Superfast Broadband cable hanging off the nearby pole across the lane to the HOUSE.  We won't know ourselves then!

This was taken yesterday morning, and reminded me of that moment when Atlanta is burning in Gone With The Wind. . .


1 small onion, chopped
1 can hot and spicy mixed beans
1 leek
a couple of carrots, sliced (I used Chantenay as I had them in the fridge)
3 rashers bacon or some cooking bacon from a pack or (as I used) about 1/3 gammon steak, chopped
1 pint vegetable stock

Fry off onion and set aside.  Fry off bacon.  Ditto leek.  Mix all ingredients together and cook until veg tender.

This is REALLY tasty and the best accompaniment is a chunk of just-baked home-made bread.  This quantity makes 4 small bowls.  You can increase the ingredients to feed a family, obviously.  Photo to follow.

I have temporarily lost the photo.  I loaded it but it's a new month and the laptop's not playing ball . . .


  1. Lovely photo-Looks chilly!
    Our Fibre broadband which is the only way to get internet here is so fast but the price goes up rather a lot at the end of our discount year.

    1. Ah, I've got the price-hike to come, but then I'm paying a goodly chunk for a poor service - at least I will get what I am paying for.

      It has been VERY cold, but a bit warmer today.

  2. Lovely header BB, worth waiting for.

    1. I took several photos but this was the best Pat. Glad it brought you pleasure.

  3. That`s beautiful BB. I do love winter skies.

    1. You'll never get a sunset out of me, as the house faces the wrong way so I never notice it happening if it's a good one.

  4. There have been some stunning sunsets the last few weeks. Normally I only see them from behind the wheel on my way home, but I snapped a couple of shots on my phone today.

    1. As someone who likes taking photos, there is nothing more frustrating than seeing a wonderful scene when you are driving, and unable to do anything about it!

  5. Yes, I agree that your new header picture was well worth the wait! I am so loving your winter landscape photos. You live in such a beautiful place!

    1. It's not bad, I have to say. The trees are literally just the other side of our stable yard. Old ash trees who shed branches and leaves in the first wintry storms.

  6. Beautiful sunrise. I am starting to love winter more and more mainly because of the skies. Bean soup recipe looks good - and quick - for when you need warming up in a hurry.

    1. I love winter only when I cwtched up at a warm fireside! The bean soup is a tasty one, and not too big a panful. I'm the only one who eats it and 3 or 4 days in a row is quite long enough to eat the same thing for lunch.

  7. Beautiful Sunrise and Header !
    I will have to look and see if my market has anything like your beans I have just plain beans.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I'm sure there is something like it, but you could always use borlotti or kidney beans and add some barbeque or spicy sauce to make it tasty.

  8. I make soup frequently, especially in winter--am realizing I never fix it to a recipe, yet its nearly always tasty. A fresh muffin of any sort is also a nice go with.
    Re sunrises: the most colorful I've witnessed were in Wyoming--brilliant on the mornings of a long, long winter.
    Read GWTW as a romantic teenager and sighed over the drama, but when I finally saw the movie was disappointed. I'm much more a book person than a film fan.

  9. Ah, I was brainwashed by seeing the film first and then reading the book. Both several times. A romantic at heart, me. I am the only soup eater now it's just Keith and I here, and I often make too much and have to bung half in the freezer, where it gets forgotten!

  10. Very nice post.really I apperciate your blog.Thanks for sharing.keep sharing more blogs.

