

Jennie's recipes

Friday 5 January 2018

A Friday sort of post

It's a Friday.  When I check my stats for this blog, Friday is always the worst day for people checking my blog out.  I guess  people are busy saying T.G.I.F. and having weekend plans.  So this post will be a little lightweight, and I will do a better one tomorrow, promise.

This afternoon, once it had finally stopped raining, I set off to walk to the top of our hill to look across at Black Mountain.  It was a little hazy, but I could see there was still snow there.  I was feeling OK after the first hill, so set off on the next, much steeper, section which has two V's printed on it on my map, to show it is seriously steep.  I managed that too (though I didn't push myself and stopped to look at the view a couple of times).  I carried on walking for half an hour, to the Colomendy turning just past the farmhouse that was Isaac and Rosina's, but now they are pushing up daisies, now belongs to his son, and the land is still farmed in the same way, mostly sheep.  They have donkeys too, which throw a few foals each summer, and guinea fowl, geese, ducks and a few chickens.  Oh, and two barky-Collies whose only entertainment seems to be in alerting their owners to passing walkers . . .

I have spent lots of hours hand-quilting my Twister table topper this week and am getting towards just having the little squared border to do.  The quilting is acceptable - I can see a few wonky stitches, but I'm OK with that.  It's not going to be entered in a competition.

I started the New Year as I mean to go on and when we were in Swansea earlier this week (darling middle daughter G was treating us to a wonderful meal to celebrate our (large number) wedding anniversary) I persuaded my dear husband to drive us across to the Mumbles where there is a lovely little patchwork shop.  I left him naughtily parked, engine running (no pressure then!) and shot along the promenade, noting how far the tide was going out, and noticing a few brave souls who out in the mud digging up bait with what seemed like feverish haste. 

Once I got to the shop, I didn't even LOOK at the bolts of fabric but went for the Charm Packs as I could make up my mind quicker and they didn't need cutting.  These two came home with me.  I said to the proprietor, "New Year, new quilt."  "Ah," she replied,  with a twinkle in her eye, "You'll have finished all your other ones then," and of course, got the answer, "Don't be silly!!!"  Apparently I was not the only new year/new quilt customer also with w.i.p's waiting . . .  I have a feeling I will be revisiting the Moda William Morris fabrics pretty soon . . .

Above and below: the WONDERFUL selection of fabrics which were sent to me (several years ago now . . .) by my good friend Sharon at Morning's Minion blog for me to make a quilt with.  I laid them to one side, intending to make the quilt once we had moved.  Well, that's not going to happen any time soon, and so finally I have given myself a shake and made a start cutting out. That alone will take a good few hours.  I shall show you the pattern once I've sewn a couple of blocks, but it is very simple and so hopefully will make up quickly. 

 So, watch this space . . .


  1. Hi BB,

    Well done on the walk but please take it steady. And many belated Anniversary wishes. I am glad you were spoiled. Glad Keith took you for a brief visit to the patchwork shop and you were able to find a couple of charm packs to go with the ones that your friend sent to you. By the way there is a lovely selection of fabrics there looking forward to seeing what you are going to make. I also love your table twister. By the way your quilting is superb. I have only done a couple of pieces of hand quilting in the past and both came out well considering I am only a beginner. I found that it was on the starting, stopping or changing thread that the stitches "moved". Perhaps next time I need to put more gin in it! Less said the better. However your table topper is lovely. Sorry have to ask did you finish the girls' patchworks. Hope you managed to.

    I have been very naughty and bought a load of wool to make a massive crochet blanket for my bedroom. I had not appreciated how much wool there was and I now have to find somewhere to store it. The colour is called Black Forest selection from Heather of the Patchwork Heart's shop (Derramores). It is going to take a while to do - I normally try and get one blanket at least or throw done a year but last year it did not happen. I have been off work with this wretched cold as OH ended up giving it me back after my antibiotics had finished. I am back to work next week. That will be a shock to the system.

    Take care sweetheart.

    Tricia xx

    1. Our anniversary isn't until next week Tricia. Gabby just offered to take us out early when she had a day off. I wasn't even sure if the patchwork shop was still there, as it's been several years since I last visited.

      With the walking, I just try to go a bit further or up a steeper hill to increase my lung fitness. The loooooooooong steep hills are saved for later. They really are a challenge.

      The quilting is really practice - mine has improved just through doing this toper, although there has been a fair bit of pulling the thread out to remove even wonkier stitches than the ones I allowed to stay.

      I look forward to seeing your crochet blanket - I've just looked up the Black Forest colourway you've chosen and it looks really pretty. Enjoy.

  2. So funny--I noted the array of fabrics before reading below the photo and thought, "She has some of the same fabrics as mine!"
    I am also hoping to get busy with patchwork again--we don't need huge bed quilts, so perhaps I can put my mind to some small experimental projects.
    I'd be happy if my attempts at hand quilting were as neat as yours.

    1. I have been storing these carefully, every now and then taking them out and thinking, we'll have moved soon . . . I have just about abandoned hope of that happening, but we DO need a new quilt for our bed . . . I look forward to seeing what your small projects are like.

  3. I hope you enjoy many quilting projects with your fabrics, they look lovely. Sorry to see that you've not managed to move house in 2017. Maybe this year will bring something positive.

    1. I'm now beginning to think we were meant to be staying in the area, as our daughter plans to move back with her partner.

  4. I love the Twister Table Topper! Your quilting stitches look picture perfect to me. You seem to have an eye for putting together just the right fabrics with the right colors. That's what drives me crazy about quilting, for it seems I am never quite satisfied. I pull out one piece, then another, and before long, I am starting all over.

    I, too, am a walker. It has pulled me out of a deep ditch, I firmly believe!

    1. It came as a kit - all matching/co-ordinated fabrics. I just threw them together haphazardly when I sewed up the squares. I'm a perfectionist like you, but have learned to sit on my hands now!!

      Enjoy the walking - hope you haven't got 10 feet of snow over there though!

  5. The Twister Table topper is beautiful, the materials come together so well. Happy Anniversary to you both, you have got good children!

    1. We're very proud of our children. Bringing them up is never easy, so many challenges, and you are learning on the job !! The table topper looks much better than I expected it to when I first tried to decode the instructions . . .

  6. Hi Gillie. Hoping that your flat soon sells. You will have great beaches at Swansea and environs, that's for sure, and it's a good shopping centre too. Waving!

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