

Jennie's recipes

Monday 19 February 2018

The Frog Chorus

Theo - The Frogmaster General!  He was trying to look innocent after I had tapped on the window to stop him trying to catch the frogs!!

The frogs in the Wildlife Pond - about 25 - 30 of them if not more.  Perhaps one female to 15 males . . .

The main pond - which has probably 40 or so.  Again, females vastly outnumbered!  I am hoping that the tadpoles will survive this year - last year they hatched and after a couple of weeks were all gone.  Frog Pox or similar I suppose.

Apologies for a short post but I have been pulling my hair out over a Planning Application today.  I have never had (let alone tried) to draw on a plan before today - straight lines are IN and I couldn't fathom out a way of getting a curve in one place, and it took forever to fathom out how to edit out the areas of shading which had appeared with no help from me!


  1. Theo is lovely. All cats look innocent when caught in the act. By gum you do have some frogs. Planning applications - I look forward to hearing more! I cannot draw for toffee at all let alone on a computer. Good luck xx

    1. He is a beautiful boy, much given to dabbing your arm if he wants more grub, or your leg if you aren't quick enough in getting it to his bowl!! The planning app. is for putting in a driveway across the paddock to replace the current entrance which has 250 cows going past it twice a day from March 1st to December 1st . . .

  2. Theo’s face - and what a lovely name for a cat. I used to have a black and white cat called Cleo. I haven’t heard our frogs call yet. Unfortunately it is the newts who eat the tadpoles in my pond. I hope you manage to complete your planning application without too much more angst. I’ve been putting together a Nature Trail for a sponsored welly walk I’m organising to raise money for a new playground so I’ve had my share of computer frustration today too. Luckily for me I’ve been able to give my very wonky draft to my son to tidy up and polish.

    1. Hi Sarah - Keith has his own names for all the cats and Theo is Whiskers to him! We have in our ponds too, but they would have had to be the size of Godzilla to have mopped up ALL the tadpoles we had last year!!

      Good luck with your sponsored welly walk - I love the sound of your Nature Trail.

  3. Your frogs are very busy! I shall have to go and investigate the ditch over the lane to see if there are any there yet. The frogspawn didn't last long last year as the ditch dried out quite quickly but the water is a bit deeper this spring.

    Until you mentioned you had a cat called Theo I'd completely forgotten that we had a Theo for a week - many years ago - then the Cats Protection said the real owner had turned up and we had to give him back!

    1. I hope you have enough water for tadpoles to survive this year. We have plenty of rain this side of the country so the ditches stay wet a goodly while.

      What a shame you had your Theo for just a week . . .

  4. Sorry no frogs for me or just a few not a billion like in your pond ! hahahahahahahahahaha
    We have Sonoran Desert Toads or Bufo frogs. They hibernate all year till the first monsoon. Noisy huge and the poison can kill a pet in 15 minutes. So for me no frogs or toads.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I think I'll stick with my frogs as your Bufo frogs sound not at all nice. I have a friend who has a frog/toad phobia so she would be in a real state if she lived here!

    2. I do not mind them I just do not want to breed them. They are taking over your pond ! What do you do with them ?
      Your Kitty is so Beautiful ! I forgot to say meow...

  5. What a lovely cat, and what a lot of frogs. I've been keeping an eye out on my walks but seen no amphibians yet.

  6. Some places they always seem to be earlier than others Simon. We've had them in the pond and breeding in January before now. Hope you see some soon.

    The "lovely cat" says, "Yes I am, aren't I?"!!

  7. I do love Theo's face and his sturdy good looks--never mind that he has less than kindly intentions toward the frogs.
