

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 10 March 2018

A Rainy Day Walk

I finally managed to get a short walk in today - shorter than planned as the moment I stepped outside it began to drizzle and by the time I had got to the bottom of the hill it was raining steadily, so I got wet, even though I only went as far as the junction.  Here is our river from the bottom of our hill.

We've had a bit of rain recently, as you can see by the force of water in the river.  Sometimes it doesn't take much for the river to rise several feet in just a few hours.

If you fell in here you'd be in Carmarthen Bay in very quick time!

Not a good day to stand on the mossy rocks and look up river . . .

My favourite view, taken from the bend, back up river. 

Sorry to be short on words, but we've had a busy week.  We drove up to Wotton-under-Edge on Thursday to put some bits and bobs into auction, and we had lunch there, as usual.    There will be a few photos in due course.  I have also been baking (recipe for Chocolate Banana Cake to follow) and doing some painting in white of various walls and ceilings which needed smartening up.  I still have a long list of Fings to Do though!


  1. That's wild. Would not want to fall into that. Salmon fishing probably a bit tricky as well!

    1. It's Sewin to be found in the Cothi Simon. Though not in conditions like those as they wouldn't be feeding then. Plus I think it's still out of season. The fishermen do come when there has been rain, and the river's up a bit, but not as much as this.

  2. Fly fishing for trout - are there any in there? Geoff (him indoors) taught me how to fly fish about 4 years ago in Scotland. Although I am not really into ordinary fishing I don't mind this. Looks really pretty and really wild. Things have been more than a tad busy here to have not had 5 minutes to come up and smell the roses. Hope you managed to sell everything. Take care. Tricia x

    1. There are Sewin in it Tricia, these are Welsh Sea Trout, and delicious.

      We had quite a good Fair thank you, better than recent ones where K took just £50 back in November when I was in Hospital, so my side of things wasn't put out for sale.

  3. Beautiful but dangerous.
    Wonderful photos.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. That just about sums it up parsnip. Best looked at . . .

  4. That's quite a river! It's a frightening thought that one should slip into it and be carried away. I have walked several times in the rain lately, but I have carried an umbrella which is a good thing until the wind picks up. Good luck with that long list.

    1. There was a bad flood there a few years back, which came up over the lane. One silly woman in a Range Rover type vehicle thought she would get through - until her vehicle began to float and turned round and got carried towards the main river. She threw her handbag over a nearby hedge (never found it) and managed to grab a branch and haul herself onto the high bank, but she had a near miss.

  5. Dangerous beauty, but definitely beautiful.

    As for painting ceilings - I have neck ache just thinking about it, but if we lived nearby I would offer to help. Best of luck with the auctions.
