

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 12 April 2018

Going flat out

How peaceful that Lavender looks (taken in the big Glasshouse last weekend).  No such peaceful atmosphere in OUR house at the moment, as we are both going absolutely flat out trying to get the house (AND the entire garden) sorted for the viewing on Sunday. (We will be at another Fair, so I will have to come home and do the viewing.)

I am a perfectionist - and although the house normally doesn't resemble ANY state of perfection, when it is being lived in day to day, it is normally just a day's work to get it ship-shape and what have you.  But with no viewing since last June, I have become complacent.  Over the winter, needless to say, the windows don't get cleaned much, or the outside paintwork, and the Junk Room - O.M.G.  - I thought it was bad but I must have stacked it well because I couldn't believe how many boxes I got out to "hide" in one of the pony stables.  Then there is another lot of stuff in the hall earmarked for the weekend's Fair, plus a further lot to go to the Unit.  

We were meant to be manning the shop tomorrow, as we do once a month, but had to cancel as we just couldn't spare the time.  I felt bad about cancelling the day before but needs must . . .

There are a few areas of paintwork which need touching up, not many but enough to be annoying, and I just don't have the time to paint an entire door or window frame outside.  I must try and do the back wall of the woodshed as that is looking very shabby.  Tomorrow it will have to be.

Cross your fingers for us please, we DO need to downsize.


  1. My fingers crossed for you. I hope you are able to find a little time to relax and recharge before your busy weekend. Best wishes that they fall in love with the place and are in a position to go ahead!

    1. Recharge and relax? Only when I sleep! Ah well, next week I shall sit and read. They are under offer, so that is a Good Place to start from.

    2. No, I didn't think you would. My husband is one of those annoying people who can 'power nap' for five or ten minutes. I have often envied him that ability.

    3. The only power nap I do is when I sit down on the sofa and just can't keep my eyes open any longer. I think it's called exhaustion!

  2. Fingers crossed and good luck.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Thanks parsnip. It was last June when we had our last viewing, so I had more or less given up hope . . .

  3. Fingers crossed for you - so hope it goes well and they fall in love with the house. Good Luck! :)

    1. Thanks RR. It won't be at its best as two walls are waiting for the builder, but hey ho, it will give them a chance to knock a chunk of the price if they put an offer in . . .

  4. Not if - when ..... Fingers crossed toes plaited just please you take it steady. I donb't want you poorly again. I possibly cannot see how they cannot fall in love with your home it is gorgeous and has so much scope with so many lovely features. You take it steady please. You are not the best of sleepers so I am not convinced you will rest when you are meant to be sleeping. Hugs and fingers and toes plaited xx

    1. I'm sleeping like a log at the moment, but I do wake up tired so will be glad when this is done and dusted. Worst over now.

  5. Good luck with the viewing, everything crossed here for

  6. Thanks Kim. We'll wait and see.

  7. I do hope you sell this time.I feel for you as have done it several times !!

    1. Hello Rosemary UK. You and me both, but in the past the house has always been shown at its best, and STILL not sold, but this time we are in a pickle - half way through the new shower fitting, and with two walls needing attention and - as I found today - the wet one is due to having lost two roof tiles which you couldn't see clearly as half of them was hidden by the lead flashing (there are tiles there beneath, but not the top ones over them). NOT a hole, if that makes sense, but rain can get through - and has.

  8. Thank you for the beautiful card, it arrived yesterday and was a lovely surprise. Best wishes for this weekend.

    1. Ah, that was quick. I am glad you like it - least I could do, to say thank you.

      I have got to the state where I am beyond caring ( tiredness, frustration and family worries.)
