

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 18 April 2018

What a difference a day makes!

This was our river yesterday, in full spate, after some heavy rain all day.  I haven't been down there today (K went to get the paper) but I imagine it has dropped a fair bit.

It has been WONDERFUL here today as the predicted sunshine and hot temps from Africa have arrived.  We have been out in the garden soaking it up.  I had a friend visit today, and we talked the hind legs off a few donkeys, then I relaxed with my book on the patio, on the little rocker seat we bought last year.  It was good just to REST.  Then I did some gardening, read a bit more, then some more gardening (of the weeding variety, removing THUGS) and feel so much better for fresh air and sunshine.  It rained pretty well all the time we were out yesterday and now it's like suddenly falling into summer.  Long may it last.


  1. Glad it got as far North as you Pat. What a difference it makes to our state of mind.

  2. Glad to see you are getting nicer weather. Hopefully this weekend will see a change in our weather.

    God bless.

    1. Hi Jackie. Are you much further North then? It was like suddenly falling into summer here yesterday, and no complaints!

  3. Sounds perfect! I hope you have good weather again today.

    1. It was indeed. My Paul's Himalayan Musk rose has suddenly put out foliage and our cooking apple tree isns't far behind, with flowers on the Damson and the young pear trees are covered in buds. Sunny, sunny, sunny here again.

  4. Glad to see that you are resting up a little. Weather was gorgeous here yesterday as well and looks as though it is going to be glorious today. Enjoy



    1. Now I'm on top of the MUST DO jobs, I can tackle the others at the pace I want to. I have the stable doors to scrub down, and restain, and one needs mending (need some help from K with that). Fencing needs sorting too - need strong son Danny's help for that. Then I can plod on with the garden. I did some edging, weeding and popped in a Hydrangea yesterday. Must get seeds started next.

  5. Oh thank you so much BB - the water blobs are in full bloom - the first I have seen this year now that I am not at the farm and by a stream. Did my soul good.
