

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 31 May 2018

Well, I guess it's time to hang up my blogging hat - SORTED!!!

(Since I have had to introduce screening comments on my blog because of spammers, it seems to have stopped everyone posting completely. Either that or I am such a boring old fa*t that comments aren't forthcoming.

I have appreciated everyone's friendship down the years, but I guess blogging is old hat these days - things change and people all want the instantness of Instagram.  Can't be doing that as I hardly ever use my mobile.  )


I was VERY tired last night (a long day at a distant auction) and got very frustrated because when I checked my email, STILL NO COMMENTS for moderation.  Hence the above post.  I have just "gone into the works" here on Blogger and realized that the recent Blogger changes have altered the moderation process too.  I just couldn't understand why there was such a thundering silence from everyone.  Anyway, hopefully it is now sorted and I will try and do a post later on.

I'm not feeling at all good at the moment - asthma very bad and I am maxed out on everything I take to try and control it, which is a worry.  The steroids aren't really helping either so I will back down off them now and see where I am. Pollen is supposedly low today (after the rain I suppose) but heavy rain (like the monsoon we drove home in yesterday in the Forest of Dean - I had to pull over as I couldn't see where we were going) isn't good either as it breaks the pollen up into tiny bits which get deep into my lungs.

Today is a working day but I am waiting for my body to stop feeling shaky before I can do what needs to be done.


  1. I think it is the new changes that blogger has just introduced. Hopefully these glitches will iron out. Please don't stop blogging. I much prefer blogs to other platforms.

    1. Thank you Serenata (and welcome btw). It suddenly came to me that changes had been made - these are rarely for the better! I shall carry on blogging, worry not.

  2. I just started following you!

    1. Hi and welcome justjill - I'd better carry on then : )

  3. I so enjoy reading your blog and would love you to continue. I don't rely on Instagram, but prefer your words, photos, and having you share your world with us.. Whatever you decide, you have given us much joy.

    1. Hi reader - it's good to know I would be missed. I think Instagram is OK just to catch up on photos but we need words too.

  4. I am sorry to read this.
    I have even slowed down. Health reasons for me.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Parsnip - sorry you have been suffering with your health (a pain isn't it?) I hope you take a turn for the better soon. Thinking of you.

    2. So happy to know that your not stopping. I don't always comment on every blogs but I try. I think I have been with you for a long time and I love your writing and of course your avatar.
      I am having problems with my comments being published.

      cheers, parsnip

  5. I screen comments too on my blog and still get lots of comments but I do visit and comment on other people's blogs, like I am doing right now. Sorry you are stopping blogging but a new door will open.

    1. Terra - as you can see, it was Blogger causing the problems and I will be around for a while yet.

  6. I hope you don’t stop! I love reading your blog. Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best!

    1. Mona - thank you and I am glad you enjoy my blog.

  7. I don't always post, but I always read. Sometimes I think the seasons take people away from blogging for awhile. I hope you continue to post, even if it is just once in awhile.

    God bless

    1. Jackie - I did wonder if the recent properly GOOD weather we have had lured people away from their screens and out into their gardens etc. I know I have been busy in mine.

  8. If this had been April 1st... Have you found all your comments hidden away somewhere? Bally Blogger!

    1. I know - but a mean trick to play all the same! I found a rather large nest of comments, as you can see . . .

  9. Please don’t stop. I always find something interesting. The other day you introduced me to The Country Housewife. I cherish those references. Thanks for all information you have provided me over the years.

    1. Hi Anon. Glad that I seem to find bits to interest you. I have one of those flibbertygibbet minds, that goes from one interest to another. Enjoy The Country Housewife. Did you manage to source a copy easily?

  10. Sorry Jennie, think we all become a bit lazy, I'm off blogging as well. But I do read you and would be shattered if you disappeared. Hopefully the ashma will clear soon, it is a very pollen filled time. Take care. X

    1. Thelma - I would keep in touch, don't worry. We have been very busy recently and it's a problem fitting everything in but now I'm on steroids, sleep is at a premium so I have more time at the screen in the wee small hours!

  11. I hope you feel better soon, shame you can't at least rest today.
    (Glad you found your comments - and I hope this means you won't be hanging up your blogging hat!!)

    1. No, blogging hat still in place my dear. I DID want to rest today but no peace for the wicked and as it turned out, I felt better as the day went on and it was worthwhile and I met and chatted with some lovely people.

  12. Echoing what others have said .... please don't stop blogging! I have been following your blog for nearly 10 years, and even though I gave up doing my own blog I still very much enjoy following my favourites. I love hearing all about the renovations to your house over the years - especially the recent posts about how it was when you first moved in. Your blog takes me back to a time when family 'life' and values were different, and I like that!

    1. There must be a badge out there for following me that long Willow! I enjoyed reposting those memories of when we first arrived here - what changes we have made. I am a very old-fashioned, which is why my take on family is as it is.

  13. I thought I hadn't any comments either until, like you, I found them!

    1. Ah, I see it wasn't just me then Aril! I felt a right twit this morning.

  14. Everytime I try and comment it say connection not secure - no idea why

    1. Oh gosh, sorry about that. I have altered it to allow comments again, and just let me know when someone has posted on an old post (in case it is a spammer sneaking in behind my back).

  15. Oh it worked that time.
    Don't stop blogging I would miss your sales and purchases and everything else!

    1. You would laugh if you saw some of our recent purchases - I will share some from the new big Fair, and will put up pics of two wee chairs we bought yesterday - one with great character but badly restored. We have a friend who is good with leather though.

  16. Sorry you are feeling unwell. Your blogg posts are lovely and very informative. Thank you.

    1. Hi Justme. I felt wretched this morning, I really did. Horribly shaky and heart thumping. Glad you enjoy my blog posts.

  17. I also love reading your blog so please keep going
    look for it every day.I live not too far away from you
    so Carmarthen is my nearest town.

    1. Ooh Anon, now you have me very curious! Glad that you enjoy reading my news - you probably know the places locally I write about very well. Perhaps we could meet for coffee sometime (as long as you're not an axe wielding maniac!!)

  18. Kitty in the forest1 June 2018 at 02:45

    I hope your asthma eases soon, it's a horrible ailment.
    I haven't been reading your blog very long, but really enjoy it. It's so nice to see a part of the country that I've never visited and your descriptions and photos are delightful.

    1. Hello Kitty in the forest - what a LOVELY moniker. Asthma is the pits, but some folk have worse and this is just a bad blip I am hoping. I hope you get the chance to holiday down this way one summer - there are so many really beautiful places to visit.

  19. So sorry you are feeling poorly. I do hope you continue blogging because I always enjoy your posts and photos and would miss them a lot if you stopped.

    I am getting really fed up with the amount of spam comments that are getting through - in the old days blogger used to stop most of them. I've even considered stopping anonymous comments and just allowing those from google users in an attempt to stop it. Am still pondering though as it seems unfair on genuine anonymous comments.

    1. Hello RR. Being yuk doesn't help my mood (gosh, I had a bout of Lady's Road Rage this morning when some bleeping idiot pulled out of a side road (I was the ONLY CAR ON THE ROAD!) and then SLOWED DOWN! Deary me, my language was most unladylike and I have discovered that the horn works very well on our new car.

      I am hoping I can keep on top of the spamming now without blocking all my friends.

    2. lol! Glad I am not the only one to use very unladylike language when some idiot cuts me up! :)

      Do hope you feel better soon.

  20. Like others, during the 'busy seasons' I often quickly read posts from my favorite bloggers and don't take the time to leave a comment. [Face Book has spoiled us in that respect as one can quickly hit a 'like' or emoticon which shows we've paid attention!]
    I've felt frustrated a number of times when bloggers whose posts I enjoyed suddenly disappeared or limited the blog to a private few. I understand how that can happen, and of course we don't develop a 'friendship' with many of our blogger friends outside of the blog!
    Allergies and asthma can surely curtail one's ability to work and to enjoy the changes of weather. My daughter has used inhalers for years and my son takes a formidable array of OTC allergy meds. I wonder--does one's system eventually develop a resistance to the meds and the original problems double back in force?
    Do be kind to yourself---a reminder I need to take to heart as well.

    1. We are all guilty of a "quick check through" when we are busy - and who isn't in the summer? It was just the fact that NO ONE HAD WRITTEN ANYTHING!!! I was feeling most put out that I was obviously so BORING!

      I am certain that the more medication you take the more your body adapts to it and GP's often DON@T know much about asthma and just double the medication - and it is almost impossible to get back down again - but I must as I am on max strength on this inhaler now, and that is a LOT of steroid spray.

      I will try and be kind to myself - I push myself too hard sometimes and go out to sell when I really should be indoors, resting. Sorry that both your children have health issues. Such a worry.

  21. Here is another person asking that you keep on blogging. I go to your posts first most days.
    I hope your breathing difficulties ease. I expect you have investigated all the possible food trigger, an elimination diet and then avoiding them helped my husband a lot.

    1. Thank you hart. It's nice to know I can write interesting things. As for what I'm allergic too - I know exactly, it's house mites, various pollens and moulds, hay/straw/dust and also less so, cats. SULPHITES are the main thing, and sprays on fruit and veg - I try and buy organic veg where possible and always peel apples, and wash fruit in a vinegar solution to get the sprays off. I am back on the low histamine diet again, combined with recipes from the love your guts recipe book I got recently. I am having a mostly vegan week this week, though may have a little cheese tomorrow and make a pizza. It's definitely something I need to keep at as I think I have a leaky gut and the bad stuff leaking through affects my asthma. I have bought masks to keep the pollen out of my lungs, and Maxhay to rub round my nostrils and under my eyes. I'll keep you posted as it's early days yet.

  22. I'm glad to hear you won't be leaving. I moderate comments so that no spam gets posted. I hope Blogger doesn't change too much or it will lose a lot of us.

    I hope your asthma lets up soon.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Hello Lorraine. Lovely to hear from you too. I am hoping I can keep the spammers at bay - pesky folk with nothing better to do. Blogger has a lot to answer for. I am hoping the pollen has happened early (as it seems) and will end early too.

  23. Please keep blogging as long as you are inclined to do so - I've just recently discovered you and find what you have to say so very refreshing and interesting, to say the least. The world is so crazy that blogs like this can save our sanity! I'll enjoy reading you as long as you can manage to do so without it being a burden. Sending up a prayer for your asthma!!!

  24. Hellow Ruth, and welcome. As you've only just discovered you like my style, I hope to stick to that with future posts. I have made some lovely friends in blogland and I would hate to lose those too. Thank you for the asthma prayer - it seems to have worked this evening as I AM feeling better.

  25. Hi Marleen. All of them at once too! I shall try and stay awake long enough tomorrow to do a proper roundup - have been awake since 3.45 a.m. this morning and was Designated Driver today too . . .

  26. Lots of pine pollen here from the neighbor's trees next door..he's got hundreds of pine trees...I was watching a cloud of it drift across the barnyard today...the extreme heat has my asthma bothering me...i don't do well in the heat.
    Horse has had grass colic twice this week..his grass muzzles rub him, but if they're off he stuffs himself...
    You do seem to have a long way to go for the boot sales and auctions! I do enjoy your blog!
