

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 24 June 2018

Walking into the view - back to walking again

This will be a posts of few words and many photos.  I did my first WALK again this week, after a break of nearly 2 months - perhaps longer actually because of getting the house and garden ready for viewings and then the pollen and my asthma being bad.  Anyway. I got K to drop me at the top of the hill towards the Horeb x-roads and walked back down.  Only hill was our hill, which IS steep, but I managed far better than I gave myself credit for.


Hedge Woundwort.

Red Campion, looking a little sun-bleached.

Above, Navalwort, and below, Bramble.

Finally, our paddock, being restored to lawn again.  We have a chap who is going to come and cut it regularly for us.

Last night K and I transplanted the apple trees I had planted in haste in my veg plot, as the chap wot cut the grass has a rotovator, so rotovated a little spot where I could put peas and I have been clearing it further so those will go in this evening.  I have a few more home-grown from pips apples to go in this area too.

Right, off for a walk with a friend.  HURRAY!!


  1. Beautiful photographs. What an amazing place you live in, though the hills !! Glad you are able to go out and share it all.

    1. Jill - the hills can be quite a challenge! Especially when I am unfit, so I have to work up to them again, although every walk I do has a hill in it - either at the start or the end as we live half way up a very steep long hill. Hills mean views though, and it was just SO GOOD to get out and drink them in again.

  2. Someone once told me "hills are very over-rated!" but you don't get those fantastic vies without them.
    Lovely to see you out and about again

    1. I think that sometimes too!, but then I get to the top, draw breath, and say thankyou for having fetched up in such a beautiful place. It is great, no G.R.E.A.T. to be out and about again and I had another lovely walk today too.

  3. What a beautiful walk you have, complete with flowers.

    1. I am so lucky, as I have about a dozen different loop walks I can do, plus some there-and-back-again ones.

  4. What lovely views you enjoyed on your walk. I am glad you are able to go on your walks once again.

    God bless.

    1. The scenery round here is amazing. I am SO pleased to be able to Get Outside Again!, walking or gardening or just sitting with a book.

  5. I just can not believe what a beautiful place you live in. The views and the flowers are fabulous.
    Happy you enjoyed your walk.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. It is rather splendid and always very green. I love the wild flowers and always look for more unusual ones.

  6. Beautiful rural Wales. Thanks for taking us along on our walk. So lovely.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the walk. Each day seems to be getting hotter now though!

  7. What a glorious part of the world you live in. I am so glad you are able to walk again and share your photos with us.

    1. Hello Robin Mac. I am indeed fortunate. The views are there even in winter of course, only obscured by rain then!!

  8. Loved the navelwort, have not seen it before. Glad you are out walking in that lovely scenery. The roses are so over the top this year, so heavy that they are lying on the ground refusing to get up!

    1. It's very common in walls and banks around here. In the 30 years we have been here it has spread from the top of the hill behind the house to the bottom. Some of my roses are a bit like that - I need to get some more supports. No comnplaints about this wonderful summer though.
