

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 24 July 2018

A little me-present!

A very quick few lines to say that I'm having a hectic week (on top of a very busy weekend) and I just want to put a very quick post up before I get distracted.  This little Aller Vale piece came home with me on Sunday from Malvern Fleamarket.  I paid too much for it, but I love these early pieces (it's about 1895 or so) and I loved the fact that someone had made a boo-boo with the glaze on top of still-wet paint?  Anyway, perhaps they were very much still learning, and that made it individual.

Below - my Love in a Mist has finally burst into flower.  It was meant to be LIAM and Pot Marigolds, but only a couple of those have grown.  To make up, two Borage plants have come through - the seed must have been in the soil already as I have a few around the veg plot.    I will have plenty of seed for next year now!

The water situation here is still perilous and we hope we won't run out, but we are having to be SO careful, and buy all our drinking water (and use it for tea, cooking etc).  We are managing but Next Door's outside supply has now dried up - which we were using for watering the garden (carefully).  Apparently the Council is supplying water to households without any.  Not sure if we count yet as we still have some coming out of the taps.  We shall enquire . . .

Keep cool everyone.


  1. Replies
    1. Only time will tell. We'll manage anyway, we have to!

  2. Wow, sure hope your water lasts.

    Love the little pot, it has character.

    God bless.

    1. I agree with you about the pot. It had a history - quite what I can only guess. As for the water, we hope it lasts too!!

  3. That it the most worrying thing I've heard about this Hot and Dry weather. Now I hope you get lots of rain and soon.
    Love your new piece of pottery

    1. Some rain forecast for Friday I believe. Let's hope it's a heavy downpour here!

      I am being selective about which Torquay pieces come home with me now, but this one qualified.

  4. yes it is a pretty little pot. Fingers crossed the rains will break.

    1. I don't think we'll have regular rain again until September. If it goes on past then we'll have a Big problem.

      Have you collected any more china yet?

  5. I think that might have come home with me too. Lovely human touch with the mistake made with the glaze!

    1. It's nice to know that you're not the only one who makes mistakes (especially when crafting!)

  6. What a lovely little pot - sometimes things just shout at you "buy me". I succumbed in an antique shop on the Isle of Wight and bought a lovely little honey pot in the shape of a hive covered in bees. I suspect it was over priced but I just couldn't resist it :)

    The love in a mist looks beautiful :) I failed to plant any pot marigolds this year :(

    1. Oh yes, this one shouted "buy me" loud and clear! I don't blame you for buying that honey pot either - a useful memory of youf holiday. I have a 2nd lot of pot marigolds coming along nicely leafwise in two planters.

  7. I find it very difficult to keep cool in this weather = it gets worse year by year so I assume it is something to do with my age.

    1. I feel the heat badly too Pat. Don't know if it's age or really hot heat!!! The latter this year I suspect.

  8. The colours are slips...coloured liquid clay..maybe it was glazed a little too soon,maybe it was a little overfired....
    lovely little pot

    1. Thanks gz. I'm not an expert on such matters. It just had such character.
