

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 29 July 2018

My veg plot - pre-rain

I took these photos last week, when everything was crying out for life-giving rain.  We have managed (just about) re-using bath water, washing up water, drips and drabs here and there, and some still coming at a few drips a minute from the hose connected to the pipe of the old holding tank on Next Door's Land (to which we have water rights still).  On Friday we had some rain, yesterday LOTS more and today it has rained pretty well non-stop.

In fact, on Friday night we had a bit of a thunderstorm in the middle of the night and torrential rain fell.  Unfortunately, we also had a power outage and it knocked out our tv.  We hope it may possibly be mended.  Otherwise the replacement is a hole in our budget we could do without!  In the meantime, we are using this little laptop to watch programmes on when we finally settle down of an evening, and I got to watch the racing on it yesterday afternoon - I had been looking forward to that.  Now I expect the veg will go mad this next week - but so also will the weeds - the lawn (which used to be grazed by our horses) to the N of the house is already sprouting a new crop of Dock which we will try and eradicate.  We will need to call the mowing man out to cut it all next week, before it needs Next Door with the topper!

Peas and beans of various persuasions in big tubs and producing well for us.  Looking forward to the first pickings soon.

One of the Courgette plants (I have two) and there are two Ridge Cucumbers by them - I picked the first Cucumber today.

The veg plot finally got dug over (thank you Dennis with the rotovator) and it's just this near end I still have to tackle but there is buried pipework there so it's a digging over with a trowel job.

R A I N!!  Hooray. It is a novelty at the moment but come the middle of winter I will be sick of it and praying for a good summer again I am sure!!


  1. Hi BB, your garden is looking really good. We too have had lots of rain over the past couple of days and today the temperature has really dropped. Had to put a top on with sleeves today but has not stopped us working. However I am very grateful for the rain and for the drop in temperature. Last Friday was the worst and absolutely unbearable. I have another water butt arriving this week to help out for future problems. Already have one in situ. Hope your tanks are topped up now or at least getting there. Take care. Pattypan xx

  2. Thanks Tricia. What made me smile is I planted 2 packets of Peas in the middle of the plot - about 20 at most have grown - the rest decimated by meeces, birds pulling them out, or drought, BUT I have about 20 Tomato plants come through and grow vigorously. They came from seeds in the compost I made last year!

    I guess you must have the temperatures in the 30s on Friday - it was much cooler here. Our worst time was when we were in the Dome at the Antiques Fair.

  3. Your garden looks amazing despite the drought.

  4. Well, I managed to squeeze enough water from the outside tap to keep it going, and as I said, not a DROP has been wasted inside either.

  5. its marvellous seeing plants revive

    1. The gardener feels pretty good about it too! It was the ponds I was worried about - the poor fish in the main one almost had to swim through silt . . .

  6. Your garden looks lovely. I am so glad you got some rain.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. The newly-planted David Austin roses are now happy to have left their tubs and are putting out fresh flowers to say thank you.

  7. So Happy that you received some rain at last !
    The plants will feel so much better.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. The plants are absolutely delighted - flabbergasted even after so long without!

  8. So glad you got some rain. We also got some and that was much needed as it was with you. Lovely plants. Our garden isn't do to well this year due to the heat.

  9. Hello and welcome catsngrams. You live in a beautiful area (just been to your blogs to see where you live). The rain was a great relief. I just hope that now someone remembers to turn on the off tap!! My garden has been really struggling but has had a bit of a breather now.

    I hope you will visit again.

  10. Your garden is wonderful. I love the pond with the rock ledge. Water from a hose or bucket just doesn't do for a plant what it needs. Rain is such a blessing!

  11. I'm glad you like my garden. It isn't perfect but it is pretty most times of the year. You're right about watering with hose or bucket not being the same as a good downpour. It was wonderful to have a couple of days off from watering round as I was properly fed up with it . . .

  12. The vege plot is looking good, I bet the rain has done it the world of good!

  13. Well, it's encouraged the weeds Serenata! I need to put some twigs in for the peas to grow up too, and I shall just ignore the Wild Tomatoes and see what happens - there are lots of them!
