

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 25 October 2018

A morning at Abergavenny Fleamarket

We set off first thing yesterday to drive down to Abergavenny Fleamarket - it had been several months since we last went. As you can see, the Usk valley looked absolutely beautiful in the early morning sunshine.

This is Pen-y-Grug hillfort - THIS LINK will tell you all about it.

Above and below - these are the fabulous offerings made by one talented woman, who dresses the market for the Abergavenny Food Festival each year.

A couple of the stalls.

My friend Ann putting the finishing touches to her stall.  We are opposite one another when we are selling at Carmarthen Fleamarket.

Finally, a couple of photos of Abergavenny, taken as we walked back to the car.  Once again it is late and I slept badly again last night and am tired out, or there would be a few more words.  

We managed to get a little bit more firewood today, but it has been like a feeding frenzy down there - many tons of wood having disappeared in the space of a few hours.  We felt rather like scavengers competing with lions and hyenas - all we could get (being old and feeble) were a few small logs.  Ah well, better than nothing . . .  One gigantic log on the far side of the river was moved for someone by the guy with the crane and we were told it weighed in at 4 1/2 tons!

If you fancy seeing some old photos and postcards of Abergavenny - and singing along to an old song - HERE will take you. Debi's comment took me back half a century!!


  1. Abergavenny fleamarket..a treasure trove! I loved having a wander round there.
    Its really good that the markets there do well, and I'm sure the Market Hall is part of the reason.
    I used to sell my ceramics on craft market day there nearly ten years ago..I had a very windswept stall in the entrance!!

    1. Ah, memories for you then gz. I bet you had to grit your teefs in the winter there with your stall in the entrance though! We bought a couple of things from our friend Ann, but the chap who used to do the Militaria there has cancer so doesn't have a stall there any more. Lots to see and a few temptations in the book department I managed to resist.

  2. I must say the Usk valley looks so beautiful.

    1. It is Pat. We would love to live there. We'll have to see where we end up though as spanners in the works in that department.

  3. Lovely post Jennie. The valley looks lovely but I was taken by the jolly nature of the stalls at the Fleamarket. Looks as though there is some lovely stuff there as well. Loved the nautical decorations too. Pleased you had a good time but sorry that you are suffering on the sleep front again. Hugs and take care. Tricia xx

    1. I'm back on the Vitamin B Tricia - that normally does the trick (calms the nerves down!) and I managed to get back to sleep last night after having to get up for the loo. The Fleamarket is a friendly place with all sorts of stuff for sale. We go a couple of times a year. There are car boot type stalls outside on a dry day too, but nothing worth having there this week (for us anyway).

  4. The valley is beautiful. So serene.

    Hope you sleep better tonight.

    God bless.

    1. I'd love to walk the hills but they are very steep so I think I might be better being airlifted in to the top!!

  5. Lovely photos of your journey, did you find any interesting bits in the flea market when you got there.
    Hope you had a better nights sleep.

    1. I got two pieces of antique ceramics for our next important fair (doing one at Cardiff in December). I slept better I am glad to say.

  6. Reading this has just reminded me of a the 60s I think...about Abergavenny.Ive not thought about it for years and now I cant get it out of my head,lol.I will have to google it and listen to it one more time!.Lovely photos,xx

  7. "We're taking a trip up to Abergavenny, hoping the weather is fine . . ." That sticks in my head sometimes when we go there!! Did you manage to Google it Debi? Bet it's stuck in YOUR head now too!

  8. A beautiful landscape (love the hill fort!) and town. The flea market looks such a great place to browse and the crabs and fish etc. are super. Do hope you start sleeping better soon.

  9. I'm taking Vitamin B now RR - that always seems to calm me down and lets me get back to sleep - rather than staying up half the night watching Escape to the Country!! The hill fort is fab - can't see me ever climbing up there now, but if you go and google it there are some lovely photos on the net, especially the ones from above.

  10. I know I would find some treasures at that flea market, and those fish sculptures are wonderful.

    1. She must have spent many hours sewing those, a very dedicated lady. There would certainly be some treasures at the Fleamarket - I found a couple of things for my stand at the next Antiques Fair, but buying for your own self, there would be lots more.

  11. Wales at its best, beautiful photos Jennie. Hope you get some sleep, Lucy (dog) gets me up a couple of times in the night, I just go to bed early and get a couple of hours sleep then.

    1. I sympathise with the getting up a couple of times a night for Lucy - I have to do the same for myself! It doesn't help I have to take medication late evening with half a pint of water so that has a knock-on effect! Glad you liked the photos.
