

Jennie's recipes

Monday 22 October 2018

A sunny stroll around Narberth

Just a quick post, rather short on words as it's nearly 8.30 and I haven't sat down yet, and I've been awake since 1 a.m. . . .  We had a long day at a Fair yesterday and have been out and about all day today too.  Anyway, some photos from Narberth, where we had a - relaxing! - wander round today.

Pumpkins were all over the place but this greengrocers had stacks of them.  I clocked the price on one of the biggest - £27 (or was it £29?) - I don't know who would pay that just for one to cut a face in!

The Clock Tower in Narberth.

Autumnal Hare in window display - isn't he lovely?

Above and below: It's Halloween Time - one of the antique shop displays.

Lots of colourful houses looking down the hill behind the clock tower.

A rather blurry photo of some "patchwork looking" rugs and cushions which I quite liked the style of.

Crow sculpture in shop window.

I'm still trying to work out whether the sign has end to end rabbits or wallabies?!!!

Finally, back to the car park and this amazing wall art . . .


  1. What a lovely place. Love the Hare and the wall art and most of everything actually!

  2. Glad you enjoyed strolling beside us Jill. It's a lovely little town. A bit like Hay-on-Wye with its individual traders - no chain stores.

  3. Looks a nice place as the annual pumpkin massacre begins

    1. I think that shop could supply the entire town Simon.

  4. What a lovely piece of wall art.

    How much for a pumpkin?????

    God bless.

    1. Fabulous wall art. I don't know who did it though. I had my eyes out on stalks at THAT price Jackie!!

  5. Lovely walk Thank You so much. So many wonderful things to look at. I need to know why the rabbits on the sign at like that. Beautiful sign though.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. I shall have to do some research parsnip . . .

  6. Even though I don't care much for Halloween displays, the shop keepers in this quaint little town did a nice job with theirs. Best of all, I think, are the patchwork looking rugs and pillows. I rather like the looks of them, too.

    1. Yes, those appealed to me. They're in a shop of a friend of a friend of ours and she was busy, so couldn't stop to chat about them.

  7. I hope you have had a good rest and a decent sleep, that was a long day. The town looks wonderfully quirky and colourful. I like wall paintings when they are done well and that one is superb. I keep going back for another look! Imagine having the confidence to begin a painting on such a huge and public scale; making that first brush stroke. I wonder whether the artist had to keep clambering up and down the ladders, going into the car park to check to make sure all was as it should be.

    1. I imagine he must have been up and down that ladder like a fiddler's elbow Elaine!

      It is a nice little town. They have a wool/textile festival once a year too. I went a couple of years ago with my smallholding/crafting friend Dawn. There's a nice little museum too.

  8. Had a double take at the mummy photo - UGH!

    What an amazing wall painting, just to come up with the idea is fantastic but then actually paint something so Big!Clever stuff.

    I need to know about the rabbits/hares/wallabies - can you knock on the door next time and find out please!!

    1. The mummy was just old gauze bandages - no "embellishments"!! I quite liked the little skeleton crows and things she had in the window.

      Will have to satisfy my - and our - curiosity about the rabbits/hares/wallabies next time we go down there!

  9. O dear the spammer from hell is here again as usual, has anyone clicked on any link? The answer is obviously no. The photos of Narbeth are interesting, like how everyone joins in the 'horror' show of Halloween. The grave digger next door is digging a grave as well ;)

  10. Spammer deleted now Thelma. He snuck in whilst I was away in town. I check and delete any daily.

    The Halloween displays were understated and more tasteful than the blood and gore you get in other towns!

  11. The wall art is just incredible :) I love the hare too. I got a large carving pumpkin today for just £2.

  12. £2 is more like it - and enough pumpkin soup from it to feed the neighbourhood! The wall art is superb.
