

Jennie's recipes

Monday 1 October 2018

A walk by the river

Looking back up towards the bridge.

Well, it started off as a WALK but ended up as a limp, as about 5 weeks ago I got out of bed in the middle of the night, and my left foot felt like the bones leading to the toes had twisted themselves over.  Anyway, before I thought not to step, I did and something felt rather painful.  I think it's a torn ligament and I have been careful, not walking too much but I HAVE been doing a lot of driving and that has not helped its cause at all.  As I said, I started off walking but after half an hour was starting to limp and so turned and came slowly home.  I did try to phone my OH to come and pick me up but no mobile signal in the bottom of the valley!

In the photo above I was trying to get the "arrow point"of the water as two currents merged.

One of the hollows gouged out by water over the millennia.

I loved the reflections here.

Now for several on the sports setting, where I was trying to capture the bubbles and spume.

Above and below: the same stretch of water but I didn't realize I had taken the 2nd one on a night-time setting.  Rather like it actually.  I love the jadey colour of the water in the top one too.

Looking upstream again, from my normal spot for photo taking.  There were sticks piled up just below the road level from that flooding recently.


Finally, the last roses of summer times 2.  Tess of the D'Urbervilles above and the lovely golden yellow rose by the gate.


  1. Love your river. And your photographs of it. Hope your foot improves.

    1. I think the foot is going to be slow to heal but I will just have to do the best I can - I have to walk through the day, and I have to drive! Glad you like our river.

  2. The water forms such lovely shapes! Dramatic, chaotic, never the same twice

  3. There is nothing better than watching water go by and listening to it as it travels. Lovely photos.

    God bless.

    1. You can nearly always hear water round these parts. Even in bed, I can hear the gurgling of the wee stream that used to be the Mill Leat here.

  4. A beautiful series of images - the roses are glorious. Do hope you foot feels a little better soon. re: your last blog post - I really must go back to reading Barbara Erskine!

  5. RR - DO have a return to Barbara Erskine. I love the escapism of her books. The roses look splendid and I even noticed a tiny little deep pink face that is Crimson Showers, hiding amongst the greenery on the trellis. I am going to change the seat on the car and have it a notch nearer the pedals for me as it's on OH's setting and he's taller than me.

  6. Such lovely river photo and your roses are so beautiful.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  7. Glad you like the photos parsnip.

  8. What a lovely walk. Your camera does nicely with water, catching the bubbles and burbles as it moves along.
    Fall roses are so very precious--blooming after the scourge of heat and bugs!

  9. It was very relaxing Sharon. The camera does a LOT more than I ever try with it so I must experiment more. I thought my roses looked good and then I saw three bushes laden like it was June yesterday so am glad for small mercies!
