

Jennie's recipes

Monday 12 November 2018

Not at my best . . .

This will be a swift post as I am absolutely full of cold and the only place I want to be is back in bed with a good book . . .

A couple more photos but I shan't overdo the Museum ones in case everyone's eyes glaze over!

Waiting to go inside the Ashmolean Museum - they were just opening the doors (someone had the temerity to knock!!)

Henry VIII's stirrups.

In the courtyard of the Bodleian, where we had a short half hour tour and can now do a lecture tour on the filming of Harry Potter there . . .

Fabulous ceiling inside - English Gothic Architecture by Giles Gilbert Scott.

Right, an early night is called for methinks . . .


  1. Thanks for posting these photos. Now I hope you feel better soon. x

    1. Thanks Jill. Just off to bed and hope to wake up better!!

  2. Looks as though you had a lovely couple of days. Hope you feel better soon and that the cold disappears fast. Hugs Tricia xx

    1. Indeed we did - cultural overload, but wonderful all the same. Hoping to wave goodbye to this cold SOON!

  3. What lovely pictures. I loved the house with the tiny doors and all that gorgeous blue pottery, sigh! We're very into Harry Potter again and would love to do a tour like that.
    Feel better

    1. I adored that blue pottery too - Persian and absolutely fabulous colours and designs. If you look up the Bodleian you should see some photos of what was filmed where. Whilst we've seen the films, it's not something I particularly want a talk on!!

      Mending now .. .

  4. Just love all your photos especially the ones with museum items - my eyes would never glaze over :)

    Do hope you feel better soon. Take care.

    1. Ahah - I can see I had better put some MORE photos up then RR, just for you!! If you get the chance for a day out (you're nearer than me!!) you will be overwhelmed, I promise.

  5. Hope you shake off that cold soon.
    Blogger went awkward and wouldn't let me see your photos so I'll come back and look again

    1. I hope you could see the photos when you visited again. The cold is on its way out now (fingers crossed). I could have done without it though as I lost a day yesterday.

  6. Hope the cold gets better. I love the line that you can now do the Harry Potter tour.

    1. I don't know if the flu jab helped, but the cold has got the message to b***ar off! I could see some of the Harry Potter scenes in my head and where they'd been filmed - now I could do with watching them again!

  7. Thank you for the photos. Hope you are enjoying your trip despite the cold - time to take it easy and get well. Blogland will still be here afterwards

    1. Thank you T - blogland IS still here, you're quite right! I just feel I should be sharing all the wonders that we saw whilst they're fresh in my mind.

  8. Hope you get over your cold very soon. You saw some very interesting items. Thanks for sharing them all with us.

    That ceiling is really gorgeous. Such detail.

    God bless.

  9. Fan-vault ceilings are always so beautiful. I took nearly 250 photos but won't hang all those on you!! Cold better now thanks.

  10. Glad you have recovered nice and quickly.
