

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 17 November 2018


Sorry regular followers, but due to constant spamming, I am changing to comment moderation so I don't have any spam comments appearing on my blog.


  1. Sorry about the spam but LOVE your header photo !

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  2. The header photo is another of the Usk valley ones. It's hard to take a bad photo round there!

  3. Sorry you are being troubled by spam BB

  4. It's a pain in the BTM Pat, but I am zapping them before they can leave more of a trail! Hopefully they will soon b***ar off!!

  5. Shame BB, but safer and less trouble in the bigger scheme of things. I have comment moderation on and I spam them before they get posted. Anything I am suspicious of gets the same treatment on emails as well. Lovely header photo. Beautiful part of the world xx

  6. I moderate all comments, have seen increased spam in the past few months. I label as spam and delete--you'd think people had better uses for their time than trolling around and leaving stupid 'comments' that are obviously not for real!

  7. Sorry to hear that you are being inundated with spam. Hopefully they stop soon.

    God bless.

  8. Sorry about the spam - not sure what blogger has stopped doing as they always stopped most of them coming through but now am getting a lot more hence the moderation has always been on. They are such a pain and to be honest I now delete all anonymous comments unless I know for certain they are legitimate.

  9. Thanks everyone. I was just sick of checking posts and deleting spam. What a shame they have nothing better to do . . .
