

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 27 December 2018

A breath of fresh air - Carreg Cennen Castle, and an UPDATE

Tam and I had a lovely walk today, up to Carreg Cennen Castle.  We are so fortunate to have several on our doorstep - this is part of a chain of command which ended at Carmarthen Castle (via Dinefwr and Dryslwn Castles along the Towy Valley).

Just a few photos and even fewer words tonight as Tam and I are about to catch up on Outlander. More to follow in the morning. 

Sorry - I've not had a chance to get back to this today as I've been working on my accounts - a whole FOUR MONTHS didn't save when I put them in and then it kept crashing today when I was inputting - it's had me tearing my hair out.  I thought just one figure needed totting up as that hadn't registered on there, but instead a whole day's work.  I also had a letter from the Hospital for a rather unpleasant-sounding Gynae examination next week, so I am NOT looking forward to that at all.  Oh, and just to put the icing on the cake, we finally traced the smell of (cat pooing in a corner somewhere) to the attic, and found that a quilt on 2 duvets covering the base of a sleigh bed had been used as a loo - obviously the stress of having Sam-cat outside.  More on this another day, but I have been in touch with a charity to take him in the New Year.  We were hoping things would have settled down, now he's neutered, but no . . .  So, all in all, I have had better days.


  1. It looks so atmospheric and it must be wonderful that it is close to home.

    I still haven't watched any of the Outlander series yet although I did notice there is a magazine out in W H Smith which I admit to buying although I haven't yet read it.

    1. You will enjoy Outlander when you settle down with it, though it is pretty gory in parts and I didn't enjoy the "treatment" of Jamie by Black Jack Randall. Enjoy your magazine.

      We are so fortunate to have wonderful castles near to us.

  2. The "find" in the attic sounds a bit yuck!
    Lovely to be able to walk to a castle to blow away the cobwebs

    1. It was a LOT yuck Sue. Stressed cats (though I think it was Theo mainly, as he was getting beaten up by Sam). I just had an up the hill and back walk today - better than nothing.

  3. Lovely pictures. I hope the day and the cat improves.

  4. I think that the cat rescue place I was in touch with are going to get another phone call soon as the situation just isn't improving. The day did improve - but only once I had submitted my accounts! Phew.
